Chapter 7 - Miss Movin' On

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*Alarm beeps*

(The day begins like a musical)

Today is a good day
The sun is shining at it's best
And I don't know why I am so happy today
It's the day I've been waiting for
My best friend Mindy is moving in now
I can't believe that this is happening
It's happening nowwwwwww
Omg we will finally be rommies, roomies , roomies...Yayyy

"It's moving day bitches...". Emily looks into her imaginary camera and gets ready.

Narrator- Good Morning Emily! That was quite a musical wake-up moment. A healthy suggestion from my side- Please don't try to sing. Mindy is on her way and I can't wait.

Mindy arrives in a big moving truck and mountains of boxes are unloaded from the truck.

"You've a whole store in there Mindy." Emily says. "And I guess my apartment will be small for all your stuffs."

"Haha. We'll see that."

Mindy quickly fixes breakfast for Emily and her and after that Emily runs to her French lessons. After an intense 1 hour of French lessons, she walks her way to the office. She is already exhausted. She thinks to call Lola.

"Hey Lola! What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Was just reading a book on how to find your soulmate in this vast universe."

"That's interesting.", Emily is shocked. "Listen I'm on my way to office and I totally forgot to inform you that Mindy has moved into my apartment. We will be living together from nowon."

"That's great. I like Mindy. She's sweet and energetic. Just like me."

"Haha yes. Okay let me hang up now. Check WhatsApp now. "

Emily clicks a selfie infront of her office and as she is sending it to her - shit- she sends it mistakenly to Gabriel.

"Oh Gosh.... What did I just did???"
More interestingly Gabriel sends her a heart emoji and wishes her good luck. And he said - " You're looking beautiful ."

Narrator-That's straight forward flirting I guess. Well I think it was written in their fates that Emily will send this photo of her's to Gabriel. Mistakenly or internationally - I don't care as long there's some spicy and steamy WhatsApp chats between them.

As soon as receiving Gabriel's text, she forwards her picture to Lola.

Lola - Best of luck. And I love the jacket you're wearing.

Emily - Thanks. It's French.

Emily sees Luc riding a bicycle. Luc waves his hands and Emily does the same.

"Wearing a suit and riding a bicycle. That's so cool Luc.", Emily says as soon as Luc parks his bicycle in the downstairs pathway.

"Thank you Emily. My friend Antonio says the same too. And I'm wearing a blue suit. Blue is my favourite color. What's your favourite color Emily? "

"Purple. I love Purple."
"That's nice."

"Make some way for the Prince of Savoir bitches."

"That's quite an dramatic entry Julian.", said Luc.

"Julian loves drama." said Emily.

Emily, Luc and Julian enters the office and they start working on their upcoming presentation.

"Good job everyone.", said Sylvie.

"Thank you!"

"Emily you can leave now. I'm leaving you early today as there's a party we have to go."

"We? What do you mean by we?"

Sylvie laughs and says," Haven't Luc and Julian told you?We have been invited for the launch of YSL's new collection. Good bye now."

Emily watches Sylvie as she goes through smoking. Emily is gutted. She hasn't been invited to the party and moreover Luc and Julian didn't tell her a thing.

She calls Mindy and tells how bad she feels.

"Don't worry. Maybe they were worried if you get to know that they have been invited to the party without you, you will feel bad."

"If it happened either way, I was anyhow going to feel bad. Hey, get dressed let's go outside. It's only 4 anyway. "

"Okay sure. Should we call Camille and see if she's free?"

"Ya. Call her and text me then. Waiting for your reply."

After 2 mins Mindy called Emily instead of texting and told her that Camille will meet them near Gabriel's restaurant as she is there itself.

Mindy, Camille and Emily all dressed up,looking absolutely gorgeous decided to go on a shopping spree.

While shopping, they clicked lots of pictures and selfies. Obviously.

"Hey. I'm hungry. Let's go to Five Guys.", said Camille.

Emily and Mindy couldn't be any happier after hearing this. They were hungry af.

Camille thanked them for calling her to join them. She personally felt she bonded with them more closely in this meeting.

After Five guys, they went to a gelato shop. With gelatos and shopping bags in hands, Camille clicked a selfie with Mindy and Emily.

"I was so pissed with what happened with me at the office. I couldn't be more thankful to you guys for joining me today and cheering me up."

Camille hugged Emily."This is what friends are for.",she said.

Mindy joined them for a hug.
On their way home, Gabriel texted Emily to text him when they are near.

"I hope you enjoyed!" ,said Gabriel. He was wearing his chef coat.

"We did. Camille was a sweetheart and she took us to her favorite shop. I guess that shop is not only her favourite shop now. We are big fans of the store."

"How are you Mindy?"

"I'm good thank you. Now run otherwise your customers will run for our lives."

"I better run now. Good bye Mindy. Good Night Emily. "

"Bye", said both Em and Mindy.

Chapter 8 coming soon!

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