Chapter 6 - Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems

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"Thank you so much Julian and Luc. I thoroughly enjoyed your company. I better run now otherwise Mindy will be angry with me".

"Bye Emily. Bonne nuit,dors bien!", said Luc and Julian singsongy.

"Omg. They both are so drunk and they stayed there for more drinks....aghh seriously.I hope they reach their home safely.", Emily said to herself. Emily is always caring to her surrounding people. Although Emily met Luc and Julian today, she made a very good bond with them. And till now if you have known Emily, you know how caring she can be. Emily quickly grabbed a jacket from her apartment as she was feeling a little bit cold and ran to Mindy's apartment. It was nearly 10'clock at night.

Emily called Mindy and told her to come down as she doesn't know where to go next.

"Emily!!! I'm here. This way...", Mindy shouted.

"Oh. Coming!!! Let's go upstairs."

Emily and Mindy walked together to Mindy's apartment. It was a studio apartment and was very old yet a maintained building. The room was filled with boxes and there was literally clothes, clothes, clothes everywhere.

"Did you just robbed a whole store Mindy?"

"Hell yes! Now I'm going to rob a jewellery shop. Wanna hop in? Just kidding. lol!"

(Mindy and Emily laughs)

"Mindy knows how to make Emily laugh.", Emily said to Mindy.

"I really can't tolerate the landlord. He's getting on my nerves. I'm planning to move with you Emily. What do you say Emily??"

"That's an amazing idea. Yayy! "

(Emily hugged Mindy. A really long hug)

"With most of the packing done,. I'm thinking to shift tomorrow morning only. Is it okay?? "

"Hell yes!! We will finally be roommates."

"Yes... We can share the rent together too. That will be more convenient."

"Exactly. I'm so happy Mindy!"

"So let me continue with my packing. Would you stay here? No I guess you should return home.. you have to work tomorrow. #That'smygirl"

"Yes Mindy. I should go home now. Good Night Mindy...."

"Bye!!! Sweet dreams!!"

Narrator- That is a very good news Emily. Yayyy! Now we have to wait and watch for the fun these ladies have!!

(Story of my life playing on Emily's earphones)

What can be better than walking on the streets of Paris at night. WOW!!!
Emily clicks some pictures of the night-time in Paris and sends it to her mom and Lola. Emily was thinking about her French lessons tomorrow.
Emily was about to enter her building and then she saw Gabriel outside his restaurant smoking a cigarette.

"Don't you know that smoking is injurious for health?", Emily snatched the cigarette from Gabriel and throwed it on the sidewalk.

"What did you do Emily?".

Gabriel was acting a little bit pissed today.

"Care to explain me why are you so grumpy today? "

Without saying anything next and giving a second thought, Emily hugged Gabriel, a long hug which was very much needed by him. Emily pulled his cheeks and smiled. Gabriel's white cheeks turned red and omg he was blushing. Those eyes!

"Well I needed that hug. Thank you Emily. I don't know why am I behaving like this today. I'm kind of stressed about the restaurant. It's doing well but again the investors on the other hand are expecting more profits."

"Don't worry Gabriel."

"Ya. Hey! Are you free now? Maybe you can come upstairs and we can have some wine together? I was just closing the restaurant."

"I would love that."

Emily couldn't say a no to Gabriel. Gabriel's mood was already a little bit off. He needed a little bit of cheering up. And you know a little appreciation can go a long way. Emily just have to make him realise that he's capable of so many things in this damn world. Sometimes one has a bad day, sometimes one has the best day of their life. We all just need to take in all the good things in our life and in return spread love and happiness. There's too much hatred and problems in this world already. We don't need extra burdens now.

Emily sat on the comfortable couch in Gabriel's apartment. Gabriel staight went to the kitchen, washed his hands and poured wine into two glasses.

"Please forgive me for the mess around.", said Gabriel in an anxious voice.

But infact the apartment was overall very clean.

Gabriel and Emily talked for a long hour about their hobbies, their likings - dislikings , about their favourite shows and how much they agree that Emma Stone should have married Andrew Garfield.

"I think I should go now Gabriel. Thank you for the wine. It was amazing!"

"The pleasure is all mine. Are you in touch with Camille regarding our day out?", asked Gabriel.

"Oh yes... You'll get to know the date soon.  What will you do now as I'll be gone within a few seconds?"

"I'll just go for a hot shower and then probably just sleep. Good night then Emily. Bonne Nuit!"

"Good night Gabriel",Emily smiled.

They were looking into their eyes for straight 1 min and damn their connection is so good. Gabriel went over near Emily and hugged her.

Emily kept the hug-time short and said"Bye!!". Emily walked very fast to her apartment.

"What did just happen? I kinda like him. OMG. Let's think about tomorrow's presentation Emily. Otherwise Sylvie is gonna kill me.", Emily said to herself.

Narrator - Is Emily falling over for Gabriel? Let's see what's in store for you. Remember the words of Lola - You need to date a French guy asap.......
Best of luck for tomorrow Emily!!!

Chapter 7 coming soon!!

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