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The five Pevencies and the dwarf walked through the woods.

"I don't remember this way"

Peter looked back at his sister Susan "That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a map in your heads"

Cora shook her head at the boy "Peter, darling listen to Lucy very carefully"

"Thank you Cora That's because our heads have something in them"

Cora smirked as she overheard what Susan and Lucy were talking about.

"I wish he'd just listen to the d.l.f in the first place"

Edmund looked at Lucy funny "d.l.f?"

Lucy smiled and let out a small giggle "Dear little friend"

Both the dwarf and Edmund stopped behind for a second "Oh, that's not at all patronizing is it?"

Everyone came to a stop as Peter stopped infront of some boulders "I'm not lost"

The dwarf stepped down from the rock he was standing on "No. You're just going the wrong way"

"You last saw Caspian at the Shuddering Woods, and the quickest way there is to cross at the river rush"

The dwarf rolled his eyes "But unless I'm mistaken, there's no crossing in these parts"

"That explains it then. You're mistaken"

Peter walked off a little ahead leaving the others to follow, Cora turned to look down at the dwarf "Sorry about him, he's just...Peter"


They had been walking for a little while longer and reached where the crossing used to be. All six of them looked over the edge, Lucy clutching onto Cora who tightly held a grip on Peter's arm.

Susan slowly nodded "You see, over time, water erodes the earth's soil, carving deeper..."

"Oh, shut up"

Edmund looked down to his right at the dwarf "Is there a way down?"

He nodded "Yea, falling"

"Oooo I'm up for that!"

Lucy and Susan giggled at Cora's sarcastic tone making Ed smirk at his brother.

Peter shook his head deciding to ignore the tone his wife was using "Well, we weren't lost"

"There's a ford near Beruna. How do you feel about swimming?"

Before anyone could say anything Cora held her hands up "Absolutely not!" Everyone turned to her with raised eyebrows and Edmund smirked at her remembering something "Oh yea. Cora can't swim!"

"Edmund! Don't be stupid of course I can I-"

"No she's lying she definitely cannot swim"

Susan shrugged her shoulders "Well I'd rather that than walking so Cora suck it up and learn"

"What!? How does that work you can't just learn that easily!"

Peter smiled at the girl and playfully shook his head "How about if you feel like you're going to drown I'll help you"

Cora rolled her eyes "Well I clearly don't have a say in the matter so-" but she was cut off from finishing her little rant when the youngest Pevencie stepped closer towards the edge "Aslan?" A smile broke out onto her face "It's Aslan! It's Aslan over there!" As she finished shouting she turned to face everyone else, pointing across the river.

But when the other five looked they saw no one, well except for Cora she saw Aslan but decided against saying anything about it as she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

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