New Symptoms & Baby Names

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I'm now at 14 weeks which is a little over three months Bruce has been over a few times to check on the baby. He usually comes over in the quin jet since it's easier for him to get here than for us to drive over there. Wanda and Nat always come with Bruce which is nice. I also did the math completely wrong in my head but I didn't tell Yelena of course but she was bummed when Bruce told her the baby will only be able to make out and kind of memorize her voice.when I'm at about 6 months but that hasn't stopped her from talking to the baby.

We've also picked a few names we wanted the baby to have a unique name and we also wanted to bring the Russian heritage into it. We liked Maxim and Artur for a boy and Mila, Anastasia or Darya for a girl but we also looked into some unisex names and I'm not sure why but I fell in love with the name Sasha. Sasha Belova has a nice ring to it.

Yelena seemed to agree but we're still looking at names so it isn't set yet.

I'm currently sitting on the couch cause my new symptoms are fucking annoying. I'm not as tired anymore but I get dizzy and I'm more clumsy than usual so Yelena's all worried and doesn't let me do anything around the house and I'm only allowed to go to the woods with her when she gets home from work. When she's not home I clean but she usually notices that something has been cleaned and then scolds me for it. I've also been having headaches and pains at my sides probably because everything is expanding and making room for the baby inside me.

I have a headache and got dizzy earlier and Fanny kept doing this rumbling trilling sound that sounded kind of like when a cat meows but you can hear r's until I sat down. She's a vocal dog and makes some weird noises sometimes that sound like husky sounds. It's adorable.

My stupid headache won't go away and I haven't asked Bruce if I can take anything yet so I'm not going to and I want my wife but she's at work but she should be home in around an hour. I also don't have Bruce's number we've been communicating through Wanda.

We got a bigger couch so Fanny can lay on my lap comfortably now while we or well, I watch a show trying to nap to hopefully get the headache to pass.

About half way into the second episode I watch, I hear the door open. "Я дома моя любовь! (I'm home my love!)" My wife calls out and I grumble reaching my hand behind my head. After a little while Yelena takes my hand and sets a kiss on my forehead. "I have a blazing headache and it won't go away" I mumble and she pouts stroking my head a few times before setting another kiss onto my forehead. "I'll call Bruce and ask if you're allowed to take something." She says and I nod. She sets another kiss onto the top of my head before going to get her phone.

I continue to try and focus on my show or on petting Fanny instead of the pain in my brain.

She comes back with Tylenol in her hand "He said you can take one tablet" she makes clear knowing that I'd usually take two. I smile and nod. She hands me one tablet "I'll get you water." She says already walking off to the kitchen leaving no room for discussion. She comes back and hands me the glass. I take the tablet and chug the rest of the water before handing the glass back.

Yelena let's Fanny out and goes to lay in Fanny's place after. "How are you? Except for your head of course. She asks from my lap. "Alright. I got dizzy again earlier but  Fanny made me sit down and I'm fine now" I assure when she lifts her head out of my lap staring at me.

She nods. "See? Fanny definitely learned from the best how to take care of her mama and so will our daughter." She says confidently. I hum. "She did. But it could also be our son." I state and she shakes her head. "Definitely not. I don't know how or why but I just know that it's a girl." She states and I sigh. "Okay. We'll see in 2 and a half months, my love. If it's not a girl you owe me." I say and she smirks "Owe you what?" She asks and I shrug "You'll make breakfast for me in bed for a month" I state and she lifts her hand "But if it's a girl you owe me morning cuddles and kisses along with our baby girl of course" she says and I chuckle taking her hand. "Deal. But you'd get that either way, babe." I assure and she shrugs "I didn't know what else to say since diaper duty for a month would be cruel since you're already carrying our princess for 9 months." She explains and I nod, glad that she didn't actually offer that.

She lays back down and I turn my head to watch my show while Yelena props herself up on her elbows, straddling me between her arms. She lifts my shirt and scatters kisses mumbling things to my stomach. I can't wait to see Yelena in mama bear mode. It's going to be the most adorable thing ever. I already know. "Lena." I call and she looks up "hm?" "If you hog the baby when it's born I will trap you in the basement." I say and she chuckles. "I'll get my baby mommy time when you're sleeping and resting. I know you'll be exhausted for a while, well, we'll both be exhausted for months once she's here but you'll be more exhausted so you'll be able to rest." She explains her plan and I smile knowing she's already planning ahead.

God I love this woman.

"I know, my love but I'll want baby cuddles too even if I'm exhausted" I say and she smiles "I know we can cuddle together while watching random shows as much we can for the first few months since she'll be the most calm and mostly sleeping anyway." Yelena says and I smile wide nodding.

Again... I fucking love this woman.

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