Baby Romanoff

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We arrive at the hospital and walk in Nat is loosing her head screaming around for Doctor Ross.

Ross brings Nat and Wanda into a room where they get taken care of by a nurse. We're sitting on chairs this time. Betty turns around to go gat ready and smiles. "Look at this big girl. Last time I saw her she was teeny tiny." She says tickling Sasha's tummy. Ash giggles and grabs Ross' finger. I smile up at her. "She's adorable, her and Yelena are so alike." She says and I nod. "I know right, sometimes it's hard to tell them apart." I joke making Ross laugh.

Sasha pats my hands and seems to realize that it makes noise. So she keeps patting them with her little hands grinning. I kiss her head and she starts babbling again, a series of coos and little noises coming out of her.

Wanda goes through the same process Melina and Alexei come over again too.

Melina walks in and squeals making grabby hands towards Sasha. "Alexei look at her! She's gotten bigger." Melina states pouting at her granddaughter. "Nahnahna!" Sasha babbles patting my hands again. And Melina practically shreeks. "Алексей, она болтает! (Alexei, she's babbling!)" Melina says and I nod. I hand her Sasha and she walks around the room with her pretending to have a conversation with her.

I take this opportunity to go snuggle with my wife. "Why are you away from us?" I ask and Lena scrunches her brow. "Детка (Baby), what are you talking about? I'm right here." She states, confused.

I pout. "I know but it feels like you've been away for a life time" I huff hugging her, nestling into her side. She puts her arm around me, pulling me even closer. "I'm here. You have me." She says with a wide smile, reminding me of what I used to say to her. It's making me a little emotional, even. I hide my face into her neck, letting out a short whimper. "What's wrong, дорогой? (Darling)" Yelena asks, concerned.

"Can we go outside?" I ask. I'm not sure what it is but I just want to be, alone, with my wife right now.

She nods. "Of course, my love." Yelena says and takes my hand getting up. "Мама, не могла бы ты немного присмотреть за Сашей? (Mom, could you look after Sasha for a little?)" Yelena asks and Melina looks over. "I don't mind, is something wrong?" She asks and Lena shakes her head. "No everything's fine we just wanted to take a lap, get some air." She explains and Melina nods and turns to keep entertaining Ash.

Wanda peeks over at us and Nat turns to look too. "Y/n, are you okay?" Wanda asks and I nod."You sure?" Nat asks and I sigh nodding again. Lena rubs my back with her free hand and glares at her sister. "We'll be back soon, stop with the interrogation." She mumbles.

We finally leave and I sigh. "What's wrong, love?" Yelena asks and I shrug, sniffling. "I don't know" I whimper. Yelena lifts our hands and  kisses the back of my hand.

We walk out and find a bench near the hospital and sit down where I cry into Lena's chest for a little while before managing to calm down.

"Maybe it's an hormonal imbalance of some kind?" She suggests and I shrug again and lean on her, sniffling "Once we finally get home, can we just cuddle on the couch while watching movies, like we used to?" I ask and Lena nods. "Of course, my love." She assures. I look up at her and she smiles looking back at me and leans over kissing me softly. "I love you." She says which never fails to make me smile. "I love you too." I mumble before yawning. "Maybe you're just tired, baby." She suggests and I raise my brow. "When have I ever cried because I was tired?" I ask and she shrugs "Okay, maybe it's the hormone thing. We can ask Ross about it." She offers and I nod.

"I miss our baby." I mumble laying my head on her shoulder. She hums and leans down giving me a kiss on my forehead. "We can go back" Yelena says and I nod.

We head back and all heads snap our way when we walk in. I clear my throat and walk into the room. "Can you guys, not?" Yelena scoffs crossing her arms, following me to the chairs where we were sitting. Everyone seems to look away which eases me a little.

I stay standing next to a chair and Lena joins me. I point to the chair and Yelena sits down on it, understanding what I wanted her to do.

I sit in her lap and hide my face into her neck feeling weirdly uncomfortable with everyone, right now. What the hell is going on?

After a while longer Ross walks in and says Wanda's ready for labor so we all leave and wait outside. There are more chairs outside. I sit next to Yelena and wrap my hands around her arm, holding onto her. I close my eyes and I must've dozed off at some point.

I feel someone rubbing at my arms. I lift my head "hm?" I murmur. "Did we bring our bag with bottles for Sasha?" Lena asks and I nod, flopping my head back onto her shoulder.

After what fells like a second I hear crying. My head shoots up and I look around. "Where's Sasha?" I ask Yelena frantically. "She's right here, babe." She states looking down at our baby, sleeping soundly in her arms. "That's from the room. Good thing you woke up cause we finally get to meet the little Romanoff baby in a bit, once mom and dad finally come out of there." She explains and I smile rubbing the sleep out of my eyes."

Melina walks out in tears followed by a grinning Alexei who's laughing proudly to himself, clapping his hands together. "Dad!" Yelena groans when his loud clap wakes Ash.

Melina wipes her face going back into grandma-mode and takes Sasha. "Go!" She says whilst rocking Sasha.

I miss my daughter. I feel like I've bearly held her all day but I want to go meet my little niece or nephew too so I let it slide.

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