Baby Babbles

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The next morning comes quicker than expected but we're not really complaining. We miss our baby and our fur baby too.

I cuddle up to Lena kissing her cheek a few times. "My love, it's time to wake up." I say softly and she hums. "Time to get our babies" she mumbles through a yawn and I nod. "Yeah, time to see if your sister is a good babysitter." I chuckle and Lena sighs. "Let's go" she says slowly sitting up. She pulls me into her lap and wraps her hands around me. "This is the opposite of 'Let's go', Babe." I state and she shrugs. "Just a little longer.." she mumbles into my neck.

Once Lena let's me go I stand up and get dressed and throw another pair of my sweats and one of my hoodies at my wife who's still hidden in the sheets. "My love get up, we need to go get Ash and Fanny" I say and she hums but starts getting dressed.

Once my wife has clothes on we walk back to Nat and Wanda's. I pout at Yelena when I hear Sasha crying trough the door. Lena rings the doorbell and the door wooshes open with red mist. Fanny walks up to us and barks as if she'd be telling us what went down.

"Nat bring me my daughter" I shout and Nat walks over with my baby. "She was fine through out the night but something is bugging her this morning." Natasha explains and shrugs. "Maybe she just missed you guys" Nat offers handing me Sasha. "Shh, baby, it's mama." I shush holding Sasha close to my chest. She seems to calm down. "Wow, rude Sasha" Nat says and I laugh. "Don't be upset" I state.

After a while of me rocking her she falls asleep curled up in a tiny ball against my chest. Yelena joins us and I smile looking up at her. She gives me a kiss before leaning down to give Sasha a kiss on the top of her head. "Can you take her? I wanna go catch up with Wanda and mystery baby." I say and Lena gladly takes the little bean out of my hands but she starts crying. "Looks like she wants mama today." she states smirking.

I can't help but smile back at her. I take Sasha and she wiggles back to the spot she was in earlier. In the middle of my chest and her little head on my shoulder and nestled into my neck.


Our little baby is 4 months old and Wanda is full term but that baby is taking it's time. We're over at Nat and Wanda's and we're all sitting on the couch watching little Sasha. She's able to hold her head up by herself and she's starting to want to crawl but her muscles aren't strong enough yet so she gets frustrated when she can't crawl. I'm sitting with my legs together and up since Sasha's laying on my legs. Yelena and I are just babbling back at her, pretending to have a conversation.

As we're babbling Sasha grins at us with her little smiley face. She started smiling pretty early on and it's been the best, most adorable, thing ever. After a while of her smiling she lets out the most adorable giggle and everyone in the room looks at each other shocked. "Did she just.." I start and Yelena smiles from ear to ear. "She just laughed!" Yelena says grabbing her own cheeks, smushing them together just like she did when I started showing. Sasha giggles at her mommy's silly face. Nat and Wanda 'awh' at Sasha's laugh and my heart melts.

Sasha is growing up way too fast for my liking..

I kiss her little forehead and she coos putting her small hands onto my cheeks. "Hi, baby. Can you say mama?" I smile and she babbles something "A!" She squeaks and I look down at her "Nice try, Sasha" I say laughing. She grabs my hands and occupies herself by playing with my fingers and babbling to herself. She's great at finding things to do by herself.

Wanda goes to stand and a gush of liquid floods out of her. "Y/n. Don't tell me I just pissed myself. Did my water just break?!" She asks and I nod. "You definitely didn't piss yourself Wands." I chuckle. Nat rushes to Wanda's side when she groans as her first contraction hits and starts helping her out of the house. Yelena runs over to their nursery and grabs the bag they packed and brings it out to the car.

When Yelena runs back inside I stand up and hold Sasha up to my chest since she's starting to fuss at everyone moving around. "We have to take our car. There's no room in one for everyone any more." I state and Lena nods. Wanda is still pretty far apart so we still have a little time. Yelena runs into the house to feed Fanny since we're probably going to be gone for the day, while I get Sasha in her car seat. Luckily Sasha actually likes her car seat and car rides in general or we would have a big problem. I get into the car and Yelena comes running out of the house. "Babe, take a breather. We have time." I assure and she nods. "I know, I know but Natasha is going crazy so I am too. I'm sorry" she says leaning back in her seat.

I chuckle "You don't have to apologize, love." I state before leaning over to give her a kiss. "Let's  get moving so Nat doesn't yell at us."  I laugh and Lena nods. I look behind me and smile at Sasha who's busy rattling one of her keyring toys babbling in different tones.

Nat and Wanda's car is already standing on the street ready to go.

"We're going to have a little niece or nephew after this." Yelena says smiling as she sets her hand on my knee, I nod and take her hand in mine.

"You really love babies, my love" I day and she nods. "They're adorable" she states but gets interrupted by a loud high pitched 'nanana' noise from the back.

"Yes, sweetie you're still the most adorable baby out of all the babies" Yelena laughs and I chuckle.

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