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I'm freaking out. It's the morning after the pelvic exam and I went to the bathroom and saw something I didn't want to. Spotting. Yelena is passed out since she drove and didn't stop till we got home. I feed Fanny and step outside to get some fresh air. I don't know how long I've been outside but Fanny joined me and I'm snapped out of my daze when arms wrap around me.

"Why are you out here, my love? It's cold. Come back inside." Yelena prompts and I follow her inside. "What's wrong?" She questions running her hands up and down my arms. I shudder at the touch and glare at the floor as I feel tears prick at my eyes. I didn't want to cry about this but I'm terrified. "Hey, hey! Детка, что случилось? Поговори со мной. (Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me.)" Yelena requests wiping at my cheek before the tears could fall, tilting my head up so I'm looking at her, I know she's trying to read my expression to understand what's going on. "We should call Bruce." I mumble and Yelena's face scrunches up in worry. "What are you talking about?" She asks shakily. "I went to the bathroom this morning and there was spotting, I don't know if that should be happening." I explain quickly and she pulls me closer kissing my forehead. "I'm sure she's okay." Yelena attempts to assure me.

After a little moment of being in her arms she lets go and grabs her phone. She steps out to talk to Bruce while I stay inside. I don't want to hear what they're talking about. After a while she steps back inside and smiles. "He said that it's normal after a pelvic exam and that it should be gone by tomorrow. If it's still there the day after tomorrow then we can call him but otherwise it's all normal." Yelena explains her new found knowledge with me. I let out a relieved sigh and nod. "Thank God." I murmur and Yelena smiles at me again placing another kiss onto my forehead before leaning down to leave a few kisses on my bump.

I relax even more when I feel Sasha move. "That scared me." I state with a sigh and she nods. "I know, love, it scared me too." She says briefly cupping my face. She placed a kiss on my cheek. "Can we go sleep some more?" She asks and I nod, longing for the physical touch now.

Yelena lays down and I cuddle up to her, as close as possible with this bump. "It's okay. Bruce said it was normal, don't worry" Yelena reminds me and I nod. "I know, I just want touch right now." I confess and Yelena slides her hand onto my cheek. Holding my hands with her free hand. I relax more closing my eyes.

I feel Lena trace over my features before I fall asleep. When I wake up the memory of this morning is more blurry so I'm not thinking about it too much. My wife isn't next to me anymore though. I walk out of the room and see the quintjet next to our house.

"YELENA BE CAREFUL!" Nat screeches shielding her wife. "Tasha I'm fi-" Wanda starts but gets cut off "It's a CARDBOARD BOX WITH CLOTHES IN IT" Yelena yells back "I DON'T CARE YOU COULD HAVE HURT MY CHILD." Nat huffs "Both of you are fucking ridiculous!" I butt in. "You're practically the same. You're all cookcoo protective and you're just tired" I state pointing to Nat and then Yelena. Wanda and Nat wanted to move as quick as possible but apparently two Russian spy assassin's are to stupid to unpack a jet full of boxes.

I take Wanda and turn back to the Russians "Figure out how to work together and once the jet is unpacked set the jet on autopilot to go back to the compound." I explain and both sisters groan as Wanda and I head inside. "Natasha is crazy protective of you now" I state and Wanda nods. "Yeah, it's a bit much at times but all in all it's sweet." Wanda proposes and I nod "It is. But enough about our wives. It's Wanda and Y/n sitcom time!" I grin and Wanda smiles just as wide.

"I'm excited to be close again so we can spend time together and watch sitcoms" Wanda gushes and I nod in agreement. We put on a random sitcom and talk babies. "I almost had a heart attack this morning." I offer staring to tell her about what happened this morning. She rubs my arm giving me a smile. "That must've been scary, I don't even want to know what it felt like" Wanda says shaking her head with her eyes closed.

"Bruce said it's normal so I believe him." I explain and she nods. "Nine months seems so long." Wanda sighs gliding mer hand onto her  tiny little bump. "It'll fly by. I didn't really show much until like 17 weeks or so. Wanda smiles "I'm happy that I'm showing this early though." she offers "Yeah, I want her to be here already but the more I think about it the longer it'll feel." I say and Wanda nods. "I can't wait to meet my niece" Wanda grins and sets her hand onto my stomach. Just in time to feel her little kicks. Wanda gasps and looks up at me. "She's kicking around" She states and I nod "She is. That must mean that she's also excited to meet her auntie Wanda." I grin and Wanda smiles keeping her hand in place savouring the feeling on the tiny feet kicking against her hand.

After a while longer of us watching our sitcoms the sisters return. "We did it." Yelena mumbles. "Good" I state and look up at her "Your daughter missed you" I offer and Yelena grins even wider if that's even possible. She kisses my bump and mumbles. "Mommy missed you just as much baby." She states running her hand over it a few times.

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