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It's been another week and we're waiting for Bruce and Wanda to get here. I'm excited and Yelena can't even sit still so she's in the backyard roughhousing with Fanny.

I jump up as I hear the door bell. I run over to the door. Sliding on my socks and open the door. I grin widely as I get greeted by a hug from my best friend. "I've missed you so much!" I say and Wanda sighs. "You have no idea how much I miss you and our Sitcom Saturdays." Wanda states and we both chuckle and move out of the way so Bruce can come in with the equipment.

Yelena runs inside with Fanny. Yelena exchanges a quick hug with Wanda before Fanny jumps us also greeting Wanda.

After a little while Bruce is all set up and I'm called to lay down. I lay down and Yelena is basically jumping up and down next to me. Wanda's sitting next to me calmly with a smile.

Bruce goes over everything as usual. "Everything looks great! Healthy baby girl." Bruce announces and Yelena yells "YES I CALLED IT FROM THE START, I KNEW IT! FANNY!" she screams running outside to tell Fanny.

I smile and watch my wife rush outside yelling the news to our dog but I'm pretty sure that the people in the little village down the hill heard her too. She's so excited it's adorable. "What were you guys thinking for names?" Wanda asks knowing we've been getting ready to name this baby. "We agreed on Sasha yesterday and since that's a unisex name we wanted a more feminine or masculine middle name depending on the gender so now It's between Sasha Darya and Sasha Anastasia." I explain and Wanda smiles "Baby Sasha. I like it." She says and I return the smile.

"Don't you have to take that test today?" I ask and Wanda nods. "Yeah but I don't-" she starts and the door swings open. "Y/n? Is Wanda-" Nat starts and Wanda jumps up running to her fiancé. "Hi baby" Nat chuckles rubbing Wanda's back. I stand up once Bruce cleans my stomach.

I hug Nat and Yelena runs in hugging her sister as well "It's a girl!" She tells and Nat smiles. "She's going to be the coolest kid ever, with an aunt like myself." Nat smirks. "Can't Bruce do the test here?" I ask Wanda and she shrugs. We look over at the man who's already preparing everything. "Already on it" he confirms and Wanda let's out a shaky breath I smile rubbing at her shoulder for a moment before taking Lena by the hand to head outside knowing that letting Nat and Wands have a moment to themselves for a while is a good idea.

I smile at my wife who seems to be over the moon right now. "I love you" She says out of nowhere. I smile and step closer and huddle up to her. "I love you too." I say kissing her cheek. Fanny runs up to us with a ball in her mouth.

Yelena takes it and tosses it to the other side of the yard. "I want a rocking chair out here so I can be here with Sasha while you're playing with Fanny." I say and Yelena nods. "Sounds like a plan, should we maybe get a new dog once Sasha is a little older so Fanny's not alone?" Yelena asks and I shrug "I mean we could but it ultimately comes down to Fanny and if she'll accept another dog. There's always a possibility that she won't and might get aggressive towards the other dog. I think Fanny likes being an only fur child" I say and Yelena nods "Yeah I think so too" she says with a smile as Fanny struts up to her with the ball in her mouth.

I look over my shoulder to see Wanda crying. Poor Wands. I walk inside and walk over to them I look at Nat and she nods at me signaling that it's alright to interrupt. "Darling." Nat says catching Wanda's attention as she runs her hand over her back.

Wanda looks at me and sighs "Nervous?" I ask smiling and she shrugs. "A little.. I just want it to work." she offers and I pull Wanda into a hug. "Even if it doesn't work you can try again." I say trying to comfort my best friend. "What if it doesn't work? Or what if I'm infertile or something?" She asks and I shake my head rubbing her back "I could bet that you're very much fertile Wands. Don't think like that. It'll work out" I say and she sighs closing her eyes for a moment, collecting herself before nodding. "Yeah. It'll work." She repeats and I nod with a smile. I look at Nat who's talking to her sister. She looks at me and smiles as I nod for her to come over.

Nat reaches Wanda's side and Wanda hugs around Nat's waist, her face nuzzled into her fiancé's neck. "Guys I'm ready!" Bruce announces. And Wanda takes a deep breath before lifting her head to look at Nat.

Natasha kisses Wanda's forehead whispering something to her. Wanda nods and leans closer kissing her fiancé. I smile at the interaction before moving to where Bruce is stationed to leave the couple.

Yelena follows me and we sit down.

Eventually Wanda and Nat come over and Bruce does what he needs to and tells us that we just have to wait for a few minutes. Wanda doesn't let go of Natasha's hand the whole time. Nat keeps whispering things to her fiancé which seems to calm her down.

Bruce says that it's ready and we all look over at him. I see Wanda squeeze Nat's hand. Nat lifts their intertwined hands kissing the top of Wanda's hand.

Wanda takes a deep breath closing her eyes, preparing to hear what Bruce is about to say.

Bruce finally opens his mouth to share what the situation is...

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