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It's been around a week. Little Oscar's proved to be a challenge, making Nat and Wanda very restless, while our little princess has continued to struggle with her teeth coming in.

Her two bottom teeth are coming in and they're doing that very very slowly which isn't helping anyone. Whenever she's down for a nap Yelena and I take it to nap ourselves since she mostly cries at night which isn't great. She's also been putting everything in her mouth lately, which is normal. I mean she's been putting toys and anything she can grab in her mouth ever since she noticed her hands but she's been doing it way more now.

Sasha's down for one of her teething naps now. I walk over to the fridge and shove the toys into the freezer knowing if I put them in the fridge they'll be too warm and won't help Sasha at all. We bought a bunch of baby foods for her to try and I hope it'll cool her gums and hopefully stop her from crying.

I stumble to the living room to my, already passed out wife. I flop on top of her and she grumbles wrapping her arms around my waist. I shift a little so I can lay onto Lena's chest. "Sleep.." She murmurs rubbing my back lightly. I hum and close my eyes. I feel Yelena take my hand in hers so I bring our hands up and hold them close to my chest with my arms around them. I kiss her hand a few times before falling asleep.

When I wake up Yelena is gone and so is Sasha.

I stand up and run through every room downstairs looking for them "Yelena?!" I yell confused on where the fuck she is with our daughter. She walks from the hall upstairs, Sasha in her arms. "Yes, дорогой? (darling)" she asks quickly and I let out a relieved sigh. "Yelena Belova, you can't do that!" I huff and she scrunches her brows "Do what?" She asks and I glare at her. "Disappear with our daughter like that! I almost had a heart attack!" I yell and she chuckles walking down the stairs to me. She kisses my forehead and gives me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, детка. (baby) I'll wake you next time, I just wanted you to get some rest." She says.

I groan. "What?" Yelena laughs and I huff. "You make it impossible to stay mad at you." I mumble and she smiles. "You're adorable, love." She states and I roll my eyes. Sasha starts to whine. "She's probably hungry, I just changed her diaper so I don't think that it's that." Yelena says and I nod. "Should we try some baby food?" I ask, she nods and says "Sure" she props Sasha up a little more, bouncing her on her arm a little. "Does моя маленькая принцесса (my little princess) want to try some actual food?" She asks "a-da! A-da!" Sasha babbles in return.

Yelena smirks at our baby girl. "Ты говоришь да, принцесса? (Are you saying yes, princess?)" She asks and I smile. "Are we going to teach her Russian?" I ask and she shrugs "She'll probably learn by herself but I don't know if we should start talking mainly more Russian or stick to English and let her learn by herself" she says and I shrug. "We can call and ask Ross about it" I say and she nods. Our conversation is interrupted by a loud squeal "A-bababa!" Sasha squeals smacking her palms on Lena's hands. "Food time" Yelena laughs.

I nod and go grab one of the little plastic spoons we got for Sasha along with some carrot and pea puree which doesn't sound very nice but we got those rice cereal porridge things for breakfast. She can try that tomorrow.

Yelena holds Sasha in her lap and I open the jar or baby food and get some on the spoon before lifting it to Sasha's lips. Sasha seems to understand what she's supposed to do instinctively and I watch closely as she takes the first bite. Yelena looks down to see too and chuckles when her little face scrunches in confusion. "You don't like it, bubba?" I ask snickering.

I try to feed her another spoon and she takes it and her face eases up seeming to understand that it's food. I laugh when she starts to lean forward to get more. After a few more spoons I close the jar and Sasha whines wanting more. "Baby, I can't give you more. I don't want to upset your little stomach" I say stroking her little cheek. She starts babbling and smacking at Yelena's hands to make more nose making us smile and chuckle at her. She looks up and giggles continuing to whack her small little hands on Lena's.

I stand up and put the baby food away and move the teething toys into the fridge so they're not too cold when we'll need them before rinsing the spoon. Yelena installed a doggy door for Fanny so she can go in and out as she pleases now. Fanny struts in and sits next to me. I give her a treat and she takes it gladly. After a little bit, once she's eaten her treat she walks over to her bowls and huffs smacking her bowls for food. I smile at the sassy lady before filling her bowls. "There you go sassy missy." I say  Fanny yaps softly and licks my hand before walking back to her bowls to eat. I make my way back to the living room.

I sit down with Yelena and we watch a movie while I finish feeding  our baby before focusing on the movie, babbling and playing with Sasha when it's a little more boring.

Eventually it gets later and Sasha gets whiny from being tired and uncomfortable and in pain with her gums. I sigh and lift her into my arms. "I know sweetie, it hurts." I say softly kissing her forehead.

Yelena stands up and gets one of the  teething toys from the fridge. I hand it to Sasha and she puts it in her mouth instantly, slobbering all over it. She seems to calm down.

A little later in the night she starts screaming her lungs out again.

She falls asleep after around 2 hours of screaming, exhausted poor baby. I hold her in my arms refusing to put her in the bassinet. We end up all crashing on the couch for the night. Yelena against the back of the couch, me pressed up next to her, Sasha between us and our pup on the floor with one of her toys only lightly sleeping guarding us like the good doggo she is.

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