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We arrive at the store and I buy a bunch of snacks along with things we need at home anyway, Nat grabbing things that Wanda asked her to.

We eventually get home after Nat insisted on getting ice cream.

We drop off Nat and get home. Sasha got different snacks and new treats and biscuits for Fanny. I start unpacking all the groceries when Sasha runs up to me. "Can I give 'anny treats, mama?" She asks and I nod and give her one of the biscuits we got. She runs into the backyard.

I unpack everything and make dinner while Sasha plays outside.

I call her in and she feeds Fanny again and I keep everything on low heat while Sasha and I set up our surprise in the living room and cover the doorways so Yelena only sees after dinner.

As I plate up dinner I hear the door open. "Baby, I'm home!" She calls and I hum. "Dinner is done too." I state and she walks in and immediately points to the doorway. "Baby, why is it all covered up by... Wrapping paper?" She mumbles and Sasha giggles from her chair. "It's a surprise mommy, sit. We will show you after dinner!" She explains and I nod. "What she said." I offer and she hums walking over to Sasha and sets her hand behind her head, giving her one of beloved forehead kisses. Sasha giggles and gives one back to Lena and asks about her day. After their short talk she walks over and takes Sasha's plate and hands it to her so she's not bored.

Then she walks over to me, wrapping herself around my waist, from the back and kisses the space between my neck and shoulder a few times.

I turn around and give her a proper kiss and hug her briefly wanting to soak up any kind of physical contact I can before I have to say goodbye. "How was your hangout with Teya?" I ask and she hums. "Good, I got to talk to Kate for a little bit too." She explains and I nod handing her, her plate.

She tries to take it but I pull it back and smirk. "Love!" She chuckles when I repeat my actions when she tries to take her plate again. I grin when there's only a mere inch between us. Lena chuckles and connects our lips in a sweet kiss. "You know if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked, дорогой (darling)" she says and I roll my eyes. "Well, where's the fun in that?" I ask and she shakes her head, still snickering. She kisses my lips again and I hand her the plate.

We go eat with our little baby and she asks Yelena more about her day and goes off about how auntie Nat made me drive to an ice cream shop and how cool she found it and how happy the ice cream made her. Yelena just rolled her eyes at her sister's actions but I reminded her that she'd probably do the same with Oscar.

Once we finish dinner Lena cleans up and Ash sits on the counter watching her mommy and talking to her while I was behind her, arms around her waist still taking in any aspect of touch I could receive.

Then it was time for our surprise. "Take the paper away, mommy!" Ash exclaimed. Yelena ripped the paper out of her way and stepped into the cozily set up living room with 3 platters of snacks. For each person their favorite. Sasha ran off and got Fanny's bed and dragged it to the living room. "'anny!" She called out and got her the snack bowl she prepared for Fanny and set it in front of her. "Here 'anny! You're a good girl and you deserve lots o' treats! Love you 'anny." She says and turns to us. "I love you too mama! And I love you too mommy!" She says and we smile. "I love you too, sweetie." I say and Yelena smiles opening her arms. "Mommy loves you too, butterfly. So much!" She says as Sasha crawls into Lena's lap.

We turn on the TV and Sasha picks a movie. We watch it while munching on snacks and cuddling, Sasha laying on Yelena and I snuggled into her side. After we've watched the movie that Sasha picked she runs around the living room with Fanny for a little while as we pick a new movie. Fanny jumps into the couch with Sasha to join us once we picked a new movie and we continue to binge movies still eating our snacks. There was a dance sequence in the movie and Sasha jumped around on the couch for the whole 10 minutes it was on thanks to her massive sugar rush.

Once her sugar rush subsided she snuggled back on Yelena and I still in her side only with our doggy next to me, her head propped up on my bent knees so she could still keep an eye on her best friend. I kept scratching at her head while watching the movie and later on, towards the end there was another dance sequence and Ash somehow mustered up the energy to jump around in that one as well and even mad us stand up and dance with her too, it was very fun.

Fanny had enough of our shit and went to lay in her bed while we watched another movie. Sasha fell asleep at the beginning of this one so I got a bit more cuddles and kisses from my wife. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry for a bit as the realization of Yelena leaving tomorrow morning sets in. We all ended up falling asleep on the couch together. Fanny even joined us again too.

The morning came very quick. Which I don't appreciate. But thankfully breakfast felt longer. Now after we said our I love you's and byes and after I sobbed in Lena's arms for about 15 minutes. Sasha and I are standing waving at the quintjet that's taking off, Nat Wanda and Oscar next to us as well.

This next month should be interesting...

Yayyyy end of book 4. It's been quite the ride. The next book to come will be the final book in the Belova series and you'll definitely need a tissue box for it. It's going to be a rollercoaster.

The amount of memories I have with this book series is just amazing and I have to thank all of you for it. I appreciate each and every one of you! This books journey has been incredible. I'm sad that it's finally come to the last book now. Thank you to everyone who's been here through this whole journey and whoever might've started later on. All of you are fucking amazing.

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