Getting Help

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Throughout the few hours I might have slept, I woke up a few times because of the pain. After I managed to fall asleep ones again I opened slowly my eyes because of a weird sensation. As I open them they shoot open. In front of me I see a guy hanging upside down in front of my face holding on to some kind of string. Before I can open my mouth and scream he punts his hand on my mouth to quieten me.
My eyes still wide open he try's to calm me down

"Hey, hey, hey don't scream okey? I don't want to hurt you but you look really bad injured. Can I move my hand now from your mouth?" 
He asks quite nervous as I nod my head slowly.

He removes his hand slowly and goes to stand on the ground raising his hands in surrender. Still confused on his action and why this guy was hanging upside down wearing a stupid costume I try to flee. Despite the fact that I am still injured, I jump from the ground heading towards the sidewalk. Not fast enough he grabs my upper arm.

"Please don't run. I really don't want to hurt you... just help,.. if you would let me..."

I look at him in disbelief and fear which apparently never left my face. I can't see his face because of a mask he wears, so I have no idea what he is might thinking. Looking at him for a short moment I open my mouth again. But this time not to scream.

"And why would you help me, huh? I don't even know who you are kid!" I say, still not sure what to do. Do small talk to get time to think.

Taken back of my response he try's to think of something to say I think.

"You don't know... who I am? Man, I thought everyone would knew know. Well anyways I am Spiderman!" he says in a more confident voice now. He lets go of me and takes a deep breath.

"Look, apparently you don't know me, which is quite nice, don't get me wrong... but you are really injured and if you would like I can take you to the hospital." he states.

"No hospital. No police. No anything, okay? I don't know why you want to help me but I rather die here than going to a hospital!" I say in a louder voice now.

Why do I react like this? He just wants to help me, right? But no... I have a weird feeling that those places won't help me or get me even more into trouble.

After a few seconds of silence I want to make my way out of the alley, so I turn around but this Spiderman, how he calls himself, started talking again. Spinning back around, looking clearly annoyed at his presence I raise my brows for him to continue.

"Well, I don't know how they will react but I might know some people who could help you. They're... well they're ... I don't know man but they know what they are doing. Well and they aren't involved with hospitals or any kind. So what do you say because I don't want to leave you like... this." he looks worried at my state.

After another moment of silence I decide to take his offer. A better plan wasn't anywhere in sight. He didn't hesitate and grabs me by the waist. I groan at his touch because of my obviously hurting left side. I don't know how many times this guy said sorry but at some point it annoyed me.
After a quick swing we land on a massive building. It was the Stark Tower.

Stark... where do I know this name from?

Brushing it of, he puts me down back on my feet. My heart is racing like I just went for a run. Sadly it was more kind of the opposite.

"Wait here." he says quickly as he leaves me on the open roof top. As I wait I make my way to the edge where I get a better view of New York. Even though it was just around 7 in the morning it looked giant and busy.
After I wait what felt like eternity with my still hurting head and left side, I turn around as this Spider-guy and two other man approach me.
The guy on the left has brown, slight wave, short hair, wearing glasses and a nervous look on his face. In the middle is walking also a brown haired man, making a frown, mumbling in a pissed voice. My eyes then move to the right now spotting this spider-boy from before without his masks.

Yep, he's definitely a kid and clearly nervous.

Now standing in-front of me the guy in the middle motions me to follow him. Spidey-boy behind him makes an apologetic look which confuses me quite a lot. Now we're getting inside the tower as my heart starts to beat faster once again.

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