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The next morning I wake up with my first thought being about Bucky. I smile like a kid as I sit up.
With my hands resting on each side of my bed, I stand up. I decide to wear a long, black skirt with white dots and a black top.

 I decide to wear a long, black skirt with white dots and a black top

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While getting ready I can't stop smiling. My feelings are all over the place. Then my smile drops.

What if it was nothing for him? What if he just needed someone to fill in his needs!? And why am I thinking like I would actually like him?

Yes sure he's attractive and he definitely has my attention but nothing more. Overthinking is never the answer but I can't stop. It's like alcohol. Once you got taste of it, you want more. Overthinking is the same. You know it's not good for you but you can't stop. You don't want to stop.

Now anxious, I make my way downstairs. Walking down the hallway, my heart starts to jump when I reach Bucky's door. My steps get faster, just in case he is in his room and opens the door.

To my surprise he's already sitting at one of the barstools at the kitchen counter, drinking his coffee. Next to him I see a man I have never seen before. They seem to have a good time because they're laughing.
Bucky is sitting with his back away from me, so the other man looks facing my direction. No one else seems to be down here.
Loki and Thor are probably back in Asgard again. Peter is at school and the others are training or in the lab as always.

When I walk further into the open space towards the kitchen the strangers eyes meet mine. Then Bucky's face follows his'. Now both are looking at me. I shoot them a smile and a "Good morning."
Just the stranger smiles back. Bucky turns around without changing his expression.

My fear comes true. He really just wanted some form of release. Now I'm glad nothing more had happened than our little making-out session last night. My butterflies disappear and a rather unwelcoming feeling washes over me.

I try to ignore them and make myself a coffee. As I wait I lean against the counter, crossing my arms and listening to their conversation.

"Man, I'm telling you. I'm not kidding. That's really what she said." says the man next to Bucky.

"This is crazy. Sometimes, they just confuse me." They both laugh.

Bucky seems to notice me listening. He turns to face me.

"Can I help you?" And here we go again...

"Nah. Just waiting for my coffee." I spat, tilting my head to the right slightly. I give him an innocent smile and big eyes.

His chaw clenches. It's quiet for a few seconds while staring at each other. Then his eyes wander down to my neck. I remember him biting me there. Then his friend interrupts, looking between us two.

"Soo.., I think we didn't got introduced yet. I'm Sam. Sam Wilson." he says, while reaching his hand out for me to shake it.

My focus changes towards him. I leave my spot and lean over the counter to shake his hand. I can feel Bucky's eyes on my cleavage.

Bucky Barnes- Enemies to LoversWhere stories live. Discover now