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"Tell us what happened again!" Tony almost yells at me.

"I already told you everything! What else do you want me to say?" I yell back.

"I don't believe you, y/n! This doesn't make sense!"

I am currently sitting in the conference room in front of Tony and Fury. Both sit on the opposite of me. What happened yesterday is still in the air and it doesn't look good for me, considering it's 4am right know. Forcing the people to go, the fights and all that stuff took time.
When I look through the glass wall I can see Bucky and the others standing in front of it, except for Bruce who is probably in the lab. They all look lost. Natasha doesn't even look at me.

"I'm telling you!" I plead.

"Y/n. Just tell us what happened. In detail again, please." Fury interrupts.

I sigh.

"I already told you. When they started fighting, Wanda yells at me I should leave. I ran to the stairs thinking they might be faster and safer than the elevator and then there was Sharon. She was laying on the ground with a broken knee and a gunshot wound. Her thigh was covered in blood. Face bleeding."

"And the gun?" Fury asks looking to the ground.

"The gun was laying on the ground. And- and she said to shoot her because she couldn't do it anymore. And I was like "what" and then she told me she was also working for Hydra. I grabbed the gun but I was too afraid to do anything." I go on.

I know lying is never the answer but I need to make sure that no one ever finds out what really happened. I don't want them to think I'm a monster. After how Natasha reacted I can't let them know.

I look over to find Bucky's eyes. Since I sit in here he didn't looked at someone else. Those steel blue eyes are piercing through me. But they calm me down. I take a deep breath.

"Y/n, please. Don't lie to us." Tony sighs.

I feel guilty but I don't care right now.

"I'm telling the truth..." I say softly, looking down.

"Alright. This doesn't work." he goes on.

"What? Why? I told you everything. Why can't you just let it go!" I say again

"Because I don't believe you, y/n. That's my problem." Tony answers.

Then we get interrupted by Nat knocking on the door. She opens it but not completely.

"She's stable but still in a coma." She says without looking at me.

Fury sighs.

"Alright. Thank you." he answers.

Are they talking about Sharon!? She's alive!? Oh this is bad. Like really bad.

"When she wakes up we'll talk to her." he goes on and after that Nat closes the door again.

Tony sighs.

"Look, y/n. I really want to believe you. So I'm pretty sure when we talk to Sharon she can hopefully confirm what you said." he says frustrated. "Until then, you don't leave the 12th floor. No lab and no training till we are figuring this out."


"No discussion." Tony goes on giving me a disappointed look.

"You are free to go." Fury says.

I nod and stand up. That's when I can see Bucky shift in his place. I walk over to the class door and slowly open it. I look at him but I don't keep eye contact. When I look over his shoulder Steve is still watching into the conference room. Nat and Wanda aren't here anymore. Bruce is in the lab with Sharon. Peter went home I guess. Sam, Loki and Thor weren't attending.

Bucky Barnes- Enemies to LoversWhere stories live. Discover now