Old Faces

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*Y/n pov*
I feel something hit the back of my head as my eyes shut and everything goes black.

After I called the mysterious number I packed a few clothes and made my way to this abandoned factory outside of the city. But before I left I wrote a small letter to Bucky where I more or less confessed that I kind of love him. More than anything.
I left it on my bed where he would look for me sooner or later and to be sure, I left my door slightly open for him to suspect something.

I know it's not fair to him, nor to anyone of the team. I mean I still don't even know if I am part of the team. Yes we talked about it but it never really got confirmed.

I honestly don't want to know what they think of me the moment they find out I'm gone and more terrifying, when they find out why I left. But it is better this way. At least that's what I told myself the moment I stepped outside the tower.
Because it's dark outside the cold breeze feels colder than normally but at the same time it's a nice feeling.

I sneaked out at around 3 am and to my surprise the streets were almost empty. Complete silence. 
While walking to the building I kept telling myself that everything will be alright even when I know deep down that nothing will turn out right ever again. The thought of getting answers disappear when I feel something hit me from behind. That's the moment I realized that this was a mistake and that there will be no turning back.

When I wake up all I can feel is the pain coming from my back and my head. I want to check my head - only to come to the conclusion that my hands are tied to what I assume is a chair. Added to that, my feet are also tied to a chair. Then I notice that something is covering my head and when I want to scream I notice that my mouth is covered with something which is probably duck tape.

That's when I start to freak out. My pulse goes up as my heart starts to beat faster. This was not the plan and this is not what i got promised. But apart from that I try to stay calm. No time for emotions.

"Ah. You woke up. Great." I raspy voice echoes in front of me.

"Take off the bag." The same voice says again.
That's when I noticed who it belongs to.

With one firm grip the bag over my head gets ripped off which make my hair fly around. I'm blinded by the white light. I have to blink a few times so my eyes can adjust to it.
While I still try my best to see again the duck tape gets ripped off as well and I take a breath.

"What the fuck!?" I snap.

After a few more blinks I can see the people standing in front of me. I can't tell where I am, all I can see is a concrete room. No windows, just one door which is blocked by two guards.

"Isn't this a bit much?" I ask.

"You talk too much, y/n." The guy who is standing in front of me answers.
Yep, Rumlow.

"Well, if you could explain all of this than I might shut up." I spat while trying to free myself. Unsuccessfully.

"Oh, you soon will find out. Just not yet." Rumlow answers me.

"Would you at least cut off those fucking ties?" 

"Did you really think after calling and coming back you would have something to say?" He laughs. The other men standing around me join him.

"Well, I-"

"I stop you right there, sugar. We actually made a bet on you and if you would be stupid enough to call and come back. Guess Sharon was right." he laughs.

This was indeed a huge mistake. But I try to keep my cool as good as possible.

"I don't understand. Then what the fuck is this about, huh?" I scann the room. Every gross ass man smirks at me. Some even chuckle. Some keep their stoic expression. All I can think of is what a horrible mistake I made.

"You really thought this would go differently? Well, first of all you almost killed an agent of ours. Sharon. This alone is reasonable enough to go a bit harder on you then we intended. Secondly, you escaped once, came back freely- to our surprise i have to say- and because of this we will look very close at your every step from now on, little thing." he says while moving closer to me. He's crouching down.

I try to get out of the ties again- with no success.

"I want to talk to Schmidt." I spat at Rumlow. "Pretty sure he missed me."

Even though I'm sure Schmidt has missed me, I can't picture his face. Not fully. Seems like not everything came back to my mind. Emotions on the other hand- very strong. I can feel the hatred I have for him.

"We all did, y/n. Some more than others." Rumlow smirks.
I don't want to imagine what he means by that.

After a few silent seconds Rumlow turns around and leaves me back in this room. The guards and his minions follow him.

"Just wait here for a bit, will you sugar?" he says and with that he closes the door, leaving me alone in it.

Immediately I try to free myself. Even though I have super strength I am unable to free myself. I don't know what those handcuffs are made out of but freeing myself is no option. At least not for now.
I have no other option than to wait. And a bad feeling is telling me that I will have to wait for quite some time.

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who voted so far. When I started this story I wasn't very optimistic that anyone would even read this story, so thank you for that!

I'm still not completely happy with the way I write but I've never wrote something like that before so thank you all for your support. I'm always trying to do better.

I am also not quiet happy with this chapter because I had no idea in which direction I want to go with this.
So does it makes sense? I don't know but here we are.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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