Movie Night

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When Bucky comes down we are all already sitting on the couch. Wanda decided to go to bed because she is exhausted.
I sit next to Steve.

"Ah, there you are, pal." Steve says.

Bucky just flashes a small smile to him. Then his blue eyes meet my y/e/c eyes. I also flash him a small smile but he doesn't return it. Instead his eyes switch between me and Steve.

Does he think something's going on between us!?  Oh please no. No!? Why no? No. Yes. What?

I'm confused by my own thought. He walks over to us all and sits down the opposite of me.
He stares at me, forgetting the people around us.

"Now that everyone is here, shall we start?" Thor asks excitedly.

"Yeah, sure.", "Of course!", "Yes!" everyone is saying.

Tony starts a movie.

"No, give me back my popcorn Loki!" Peter pleads.

"No chance." Loki laughs as almost everyone laughs along.

I can't remember when it was the last time I watched a movie. But I was excited and seeing them already having fun is warming up my chest.
I can really imagine myself doing this every Sunday.

Then I feel something slightly heavy on my thighs. Steve has thrown a blanket over our two bodies. As I look up to him he's already smiling down at me. I smile back but keep my distance, still feeling Bucky's stare.

30 minutes into the movie I still seem to be more interesting to him. So I challenge myself.
I'm gonna stare at him too. Said, done.

I turn my head to face him. His eyes are burning into mine. After what feels like an eternity he turns to the Tv again. Then, like my eyes had their own mind, they start to wander down his face, just to meet his perfect lips. Fucking sake!

They wander lower. Taking in his wide shoulders and his upper body. He's wearing a tight shirt, so I can identify every. Single. Muscle.

Then my view travels to his metal hand, softly resting on his thigh. Men spreading...

What a view.

Just then I notice that he's looking at me. I don't know what comes over me but I don't look away. I like that he noticed, so I look back up to be met with a mischievous grin on his face. This time I keep my stoic expression.

After a good minute into staring into each others eyes, I look around. Everyone is focused on the movie. Thank god!

Suddenly I feel Steve's hand on my thigh under the blanket. His hand is warm. In shock I look at him but he doesn't pay attention to it. He just keeps watching the movie. I like it. But then, I don't. Not at all.

I turn back around to Bucky. He isn't staring at me anymore. His eyes are focused on Steve's hand under the blanket. I'm glad only Bucky seems to notice.

Yes. I spend a lot of time with Steve, but I don't like him like that. Someone else has gotten my attention....

He seems to be biting on this teeth as his jaw clenches. Without anything else he rises from his seat without looking at anyone, while he's still focused on Steve's hand under the blanket.
I don't want to imagine what Bucky thought was going on under there.
Starting walking, he brings everyone's attention towards him.

"Where are you going?" Thor says.

"I'm done with this movie." That's all he says.

"Oh come oooon. The movie isn't over yet." Peter complains.

Bucky Barnes- Enemies to LoversHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin