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I'm at the Stark tower for one week now.
By now I got told that they called themselves the avengers- Loki wasn't a part of them tho but I haven't met them all yet. I get along pretty well with everyone except Bucky of course.
I haven't seen him anyways since the dinner we all had together on Sunday.
Loki and Thor made their way back to Asgard as I got told they're basically aliens. Peter was at school most of the time and I only saw him at dinner. Not to mention Steve who turns out to be actual kind of funny, considering the fact that he is over 100 years old.

The hole week I was talking to Steve and we became pretty close. Well as close you can get in just one week.

As the days passed, I decided to tell them that I know Bucky from somewhere and their suspicions about Hydra got more and more reality.

My wounds aren't visible anymore. Just my foot hurts then and there but after all I feel great. Well, let's just forget about my bruises on my neck which unfortunately didn't go away.

I am sitting in the living room laughing along with Steve as we joke around. Then he gives me something. I take a look at it.
It's a book. I look at him in disbelief.

"For me?" I ask.

"Sure. I thought because you don't have a phone, you know, you could use some form of a distraction." he says with a smile.

I jump up as I wrap my arms around him. I give him a tight hug.

"Thank you." I whisper with a huge smile.

"Your welcome." he whispers back, hugging me back.

We hear a bing and our eyes move to the elevator as we are still hugging each other.
It is Bucky. He looks bad.

Messy hair, blood on hands and body.
I don't know why but I pull myself away. Before I can even think about it, I walk up to him.
As I get closer, i notice some knife cuts on his face. After all, not too bad considering his appearance. Then Steve follows my movement towards Bucky, while he just stands there.

"What- Bucky what the hell happened!?" Steve breaks the silence.

I stand right in front of Bucky as he looks at my face and then at Steve's who is standing pretty close to me.
Has he seen the hug? Why do I hope he didn't?

He pushes me aside which creates a distance between me and Steve.
So he has probably seen it.

In sloppy steps he makes his way to the couch, sitting down.

"Buck, speak to us. Come on pal." Steve breaks the silence once more as he follows Bucky.

"Just took care of something. That's all." he says in a monotone voice, being raspy as ever.

Why is he so hot- NO! Not again. Am I serious right now!?

Every time this dude comes in, being an ass, the same thoughts crawl up my brain. And every time I have to convince myself that this is wrong.

Damn it y/n. Get yourself together.

Steve sits now down on the small table in front of the couch, shoving the book aside as I walk over to stand behind him.
Bucky's eyes move from Steve, to the book, to my eyes and then to my neck. By now I told mostly everyone what happened that night, so there is now reason to cover it up. I told them not to say anything about it and that they should just leave him alone. I didn't wanted to make such a big deal out of it even tho it is. I just assured them that he apologized even tho he didn't and with that didn't mentioned it again. Bucky on the other side wasn't so fond of it, I think.
It was the first time he saw what he had done to me. Even tho the bruises weren't purple anymore, a rather yellowish color was now covering the spots, I can feel guilt on his behalf. Then I can see his eyes twitch and he lowers them.

Bucky Barnes- Enemies to LoversWhere stories live. Discover now