Friends And Enemies

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I wake up from my deep sleep. I groan as I try to move but my left side clearly hurts like shit. My mind goes straight to the things I did last night and again I feel ashamed.
Looking at my alarm clock I see it's 8 am so I decide to stand up and get ready. I brush my teeth and get dressed into the other clothes Natasha left me yesterday. I open my door and start heading towards the stairs again. My eyes land on Bucky's door. Just before I would pass it the door swings open. Not again...

He looks at me and I look at him. He stays rooted but I decide to show him that I'm not afraid of him, so I just walk past him, taking notice of his morning hair. He is still wearing his pj's. Damn he's fine. No. No. Not happening.

And with that I think about last night once again. Entering the kitchen I decide to make myself a coffee. No one is down yet. Probably still asleep. As I wait for my coffee Bucky appears behind me, sitting on a barstool at the kitchen island. He looks with such carful eyes over me. Even though I don't look at him directly, I can sense his stare. He looks me up and down. I can feel my face getting warm so I shift my attention back to the coffee machine which happens to be done with my coffee. I take the cup and walk past Bucky over to the couch.
I still feel uncomfortable acting like I was home, but did I had an other option? Staying all day long in my room? No way!

Deep in my thoughts I notice Bucky is sitting on the other couch across from me. I try to ignore him. As he sits down he looks at me for a brief moment just to look away again a second later.
And then it hit me. I know this guy. Well at least I saw him before but where? I try to ignore my thoughts and bring my attention back to my coffee which I still hold in my hands.

The silence is unbearable, so I decide to break it...

"I know you don't like me. I get it. I really do. But you don't know me and if you would let me and give me some time, I can proof you wrong." I say rather annoyed than nice.

Why did I said that? Should have just stayed quiet...

And with that he stands up without looking at me and walks out of the living area.

Great y/n. Really great.

Back in my room I sit on my bed not knowing what to do as someone knocks on my door. I make my way over ans open it, just to find Natasha standing in front of me.

"Hey y/n, how are you? Can I come in?"

Without me having the time to answer she walks in. I close the door behind me. She sits on my bed, so I decide to sit next to her.

"I'm ok I guess. Is everything alright?" I ask because this situation feels kind of rushed.

"Yeah, yeah. I just thought you know, we could maybe go shopping? You don't have any clothes and-"

Before she could finish her sentence I interrupt her.
"That sounds nice but I have no money. Soo..."

"Say no more! I asked Stark if he could borrow us some and he said that this shouldn't be a problem." she says with a small smile.

"I don't know. I mean, I can't pay him back... No it's alright. I really don't need any more clothes." I say.

"I don't think you have to pay him back. Besides I don't care what you say. We're going shopping."

She drags me out of my room and we leave.
We go to some stores and after about 3 long hours we are back with tons of bags. I still feel bad about spending someone else's money but Natasha told me more than once that it was fine. Also she made me call Tony so I could ask him in person if he was fine with is. He assured me that.
As we stand in the elevator for the 12th floor, Natasha starts talking again.

"Can you be honest with me, y/n?"

"Yes, of course. What is it?" I ask. You can hear the worry in my voice.

"Your not tricking us, are you? Because I really like you. You know, your cool." she says with a small laugh.

"No! No.. I- it's just I really don't want to mess up. I don't want anyone to think that. I just don't know how to act. Do I say something? Should I stay quiet? I don't have anything to say. I forgot my memory and it sucks because what if I am a bad person? Huh? Then Bucky would be right and I would look dumb."

"I totally understand you but- wait? What did Bucky say? I'm gonna kill him- You know sometimes he can be a bit... difficult." she says, full of concern with a hint of anger.

"Well, he says he would proof to everyone that I'm not who I tell I am or that I have at least something to hide...but I don't have a reason to do that." I state, deciding to keep his stares and his threatenings and the fact that I somehow know him to myself.

"Y/n, I swear if he does something like that again, just tell me."

I just give her a smile and with that the doors of the elevator swing open. As we walk out Peter runs up to us just to ask how everything went. Then his eyes wander down my leg.

"How's you left side y/n?" he asks.

Weirdly enough it barely hurts anymore. Thinking back to the conversation yesterday I remember Tony saying I am a super soldier... That might be the reason. I smile at Peter.

"I'm good thanks."

My eyes wander to the left where I spot Bucky at the kitchen island. He looks at Natasha, than at me and than at the bags we are holding. I know what he might be thinking, but I brush it off and head to the stairs walking to my room. Natasha walks after me.
As we are in my room I thank her and she leaves. I put my clothes away as I hear another knock on my door. Thinking it is Natasha I open it again just to find Bucky standing in front of me.
I gulp. What the heck does he want now?

Without hesitation he storms in. Slamming the door shut, he grabs my throat with his metal hand, making me walk backwards until I fall on my bed with him towering over me. I try to push him away with all my strength but I have no success. He squeezes my throat slightly, so I can't get out of his grip.

"What the hell do you think your doing, huh?" He starts shouting but not loud enough for anyone to hear. Shit.

Before I can say anything he's grabbing tighter around my neck.

"Making Friends with everyone and spending Tony's money just to take us down with your team. Am I right?" now speaking in a more seductive, but still in a aggressive way.

I can't really speak because of the pressure on my neck. The only thing I manage to say is "Bucky..." in a weak and whispery voice. I look him in the eyes and see many emotions. Anger, fear and confusion all written over his face. My eyes start to water.

With that he lets go.
As I try to catch my breath he stands up. Now standing in front of my bed looking down at me and than at his metal hand. His eyes wander down my throat were he pinned me down just a few seconds ago. Without anything else he storms out of my room just as he stormed in.

Leaving my door wide open I stand up to close it, just to see bruises forming around my neck as I look over at my mirror to my left. I freeze.

What just happened?

I lean against the door still catching my breath until a tear escapes my eye. Not holding it back, I let the tears go and I start crying.

What have I done to him that he hates me that much? He knows me for god damn 2 day. Come on!

Then I hear a voice from above. A voice lets me know that we're gonna have dinner in 20 minutes. 20 minutes to calm my nerves and cover up the forming bruises on my neck.

AN: I know you normally wash new clothes. Well at least that's something I do, but I was just too lazy to write that so yeah.

Bucky Barnes- Enemies to LoversWhere stories live. Discover now