Chapter 15

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I see Camilo walking up to me as I'm about to go home. "I'll walk you," he says.
"Thanks," I say. We walk down to my house and talk about a ton of stuff. When we reach to my house Camilo stands in front of me and holds my hands. "I had a lot of fun today," I say to him looking him in the eyes.
"Me too," he says. "We'll I don't want to keep you out here for too long. We can stop by your house around 10 to go see the movie?" He asks.
"Yea that's a good time," I say.
"Alright. Goodnight love," he says pulling me into a hug,"
"Goodnight," I say. He pulls me in for a kiss. It only lasts for a couple seconds but it feels like it lasted an eternity. I smile at him. I walk away to go to my house. A few steps later, I turn around and go and kiss him again. "I love you Camilo,"
"I love you too Y/n," he says. I turn back around and go to my house. He watches to make sure I get inside. I open the door and turn to him. I smile and wave then shut the door.
"Is that your boyfriend?" My mom asks coming out of nowhere. I jump.
"Oh my god mom you can't do that to me," I say catching my breath. "And no, he's not my boyfriend,"
"But y'all kissed," she says in confusion.
"Yes. Yes we did," I say processing it. I walk up the stairs. "Goodnight,"
"Goodnight. And we will talk more about this tomorrow!" She says.
"Fine," I say. I change into pajamas and brush my teeth and wash my face. I plop onto my bed. Oh my god. Not this again. I get butterflies every time something like that happens. He gets me all embarrassed and flustered. Ughh. Dang you Camilo. I think while smiling at the thought of him. I close my eyes and go to sleep for the night.

A/N: don't worry. Have patience with me. The next chapter might be kinda long idk yet.

I love you <3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن