Chapter 16

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I wake up around 7 and go downstairs. I smell bacon and waffles. I grab a plate and get a few pieces of bacon and a waffle. I pour syrup over my waffle and go to the table. My mom comes over with her plate and sits down. "So. That boy," she says smirking at me. I smile. "You really like him, huh?"
"Yea. I've liked plenty of guys (and or girls) but not like this. He makes me feel special."
"I can tell,"
"And his whole family is super nice,"
"I've heard about them. How they have gifts. What's Camilo's?" She asks.
"That's pretty cool,"
"Yea," I say as I finish my waffles. "Well I gotta go get ready,"
"For what?" She says stopping me before I can go upstairs.
"I'm going to the movies with Delores, Mirabel, and Camilo," Mom raises an eyebrow. "Can u
I go to the movies with Delores, Mirabel, and Camilo? They are gonna pick me up around 10,"
"Ughhhhh I guess. I'm just glad you're making friends," mom says. I hug her.
"Me too," I say. I let go and go upstairs. I take a quick shower. When I get out of the shower I smell like vanilla because of my body scrub. I get dressed into the outfit Camilo picked out for me. I blow dry my hair and think about what to do with it. I kinda wanna do a bubble braid. I curl my hair then brush through it. I leave most of it down but I make a little ponytail at the top. I start making a bubble braid then I pull a couple pieces from the front. By now it's already 9:56. I spray perfume on both of my wrists and neck. I brush my teeth and go downstairs to put my shoes on. I hear a knock on the door. My mom opens it before I can get to it. I meet my mom at the door and go outside next to Camilo, Delores, and Mirabel. "Bye mom, love you!" I say as we start walking away.
"Bye love you! Be safe don't die!" She says. I roll my eyes then smile. We all walk to the movie theater.
"You smell good Y/n," Mirabel's says. "You smell like watermelon,"
"Thanks. It's from a new perfume I got," I say. Camilo looks at me and smirks. I smirk back. When we get to the movie theater we choose a movie.
"What movie should we watch?" Delores asks.
"THE NEW HORROR ONE!" Mirabel's and Camilo say at the same time. I laugh. We buy our tickets and go to get food. Delores and Mirabel get a popcorn to share, and Camilo and I get a popcorn to share. We all get slushies. We go to put extra butter on our popcorn.
"How much butter do you want?" Camilo asks me.
"Preferably a lot. But however much is fine." I say. He holds the button down for a little bit. So much butter is now covering the popcorn sealing through to the middle. I smirk. We go to get seats and we of course choose the ones in the back. Camilo sits next to me on my right and Mirabel sits next to me on my left. Delores is next to her.
"I've heard it's a really good movie," Delores says.
"I guess we'll find out," Mirabel says as the lights dim and the movie comes on. Throughout the movie there's been a couple jump scares I jump at, but other than that it isn't super scary. I lean my head on Camilo's shoulder as we continue to watch the movie. He takes my hand and our fingers interlock. The movie ends after a couple of hours.
"That was really good," I say.
"Yea. Especially when you jumped," Camilo says.
"Oh hush. It's not like you didn't," I say. He gets red. We both smile. Delores and Mirabel both let out a laugh. We walk back to my house and we all go up to my room. We all sit on my bed and talk about a ton of stuff. Camilo and I are holding hands like usual. The time is already 1:22 PM.
"We should get going," Delores says. "Abuela wants us home soon,"
"Ugh but we were having so much fun. What does she need anyways?" Mirabel asks.
Delores rolls her eyes to what she hears. "She wants to give us more jobs to do," she says as she gets up. Camilo and Mirabel get up with her and I bring them downstairs.
"Hey before you guys go, would you and your family like to have dinner with us tonight?" My mom asks coming up to them.
"We can ask but I'm sure they wouldn't mind coming over for dinner," Mirabel says.
"I sure would love to," Camilo says smirking. I smile.
"Great. Just let Y/n know," my mom says.
"Will do," Camilo says to her. My mom leaves us all alone. Camilo and I kiss and I hug Mirabel and Delores.
"Bye. Maybe see you later. Just stop by the house and tell me what they say about dinner," I say.
"Of course love," Camilo says. He gives me another kiss and they leave. I close the door and go to the kitchen.
"Hopefully they can come over for dinner," mom says. "I'd like to meet the rest of their family. They seem nice," mom says.
"They really are," I say. "I'm gonna go head up to my room ok?"
"Ok," my mom says. I turn around and go upstairs to my room. I turn all my lights on and lay on my bed. I really hope they can come over. I want to see him more. It already feels like it's been years since I last saw him. I think as I lay in bed. I grab a book on my bookshelf and start reading it to pass the time.

A/n: ok so I told y'all this might be a long chapter. It's about 1k words so yea.

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