Chapter 4

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(Copeland's Pov)
"WHAT IS THAT?!" I screamed looking at the puddle of white stuff on my dads stomach "AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!" I cried (Suggested by BrittnieCx ) "we were um dirty dancing." My dad was panicking. "WHY?" I cried harder than before "Because Vic is a amazing dancer!" My dad tried to laugh but couldn't manage to let the laugh escape from his lips. I ran out of the room. I heard my name being called from down the hall it echoed throughout the old house
(Kellin's Pov)
"Copeland!" I yelled, it echoed "Kells calm down she's already in her room it's okay." Vic grabbed my arm I nodded "lets go to sleep Kellin its her birthday tomorrow, she'll be fine I promise." He sighed I laid down and cuddled him "Vic" I whispered "Kellin?" "Vic will you be my boyfriend again?" "Yeah Kellin." he smiled "I love you." I whispered "I love you too." And we drifted off to sleep.
~Next Morning~
-Day 2-
(Kellin's Pov)
"Happy Birthday To My Coco!" I laughed as Copeland ate her small breakfast. "So dad what was that all about last night?" Copeland questioned, Fuck I tried to say this with the straightest face possible "Um erm so um we were Dirty dancing and it got really hot so we Umm decided to take off our clothes and then we found so glue and we thought it would be funny to um spray it on each other. And then the bed broke because Umm we were dancing so hard and fast the bed frame snapped and fell causing the thump therefore waking you up, sorry." I laughed at the ending she rolled her eyes and Vic began to laugh "Yeah Copeland that's exactly what happened!" Vic was dying of laughter by now I slapped him "Dad I know what you guys were doing I'm not completely stupid!" She laughed "I think it's adorable that my dad is gay!" She laughed okay so no more hiding it I guess. Vic stopped laughing and looked in shock at her "How do you know what that word means?" He questioned "I had a friend before this shit..." "Woah, Woah you just cussed!" I stopped her "it doesn't matter anymore we live in an apocalypse dad no one cares." she was right I nodded "he was Gay and stuff so that why I know." I nodded and I stood up and went outside for some fresh air.
(Vic's Pov)
Kellin walked outside I hope he's okay "hey Coco im going to check on your dad happy birthday!" I smiled and walked outside "Kells hey are you okay?"

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