Chapter 5

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(Kellin's Pov)

"No Vic I'm not okay I can't believe she's okay with this after that whole incident, we have to be more careful hell we weren't even dating at the point, I don't know why I let it get this far but it did and I think I like it it's just I'm worried about Copeland!" I feel like I'm about to cry "Kel...." "Stop Vic don't apologize in fine lets just hurry up and try to find a safe place." "no Kells I wasn't going to apologize I need to go get Mike and Tony. They probably think I died out here."

(Vic's Pov)

I headed out into the hellish world we live in ugh I felt awful not bringing Kellin with me he is my world now hell he's not even happy with his desires, I know he wants me Its just he's afraid. I started walking up the road I got a good thirty miles to go. I had one of those iPods with me it hasn't died ever since this whole thing started the again all the plugs in that house Kellin and Copeland have been sleeping at so I charged it over there I turned on one of Kellin's songs I think it was 'Heroine' I haven't listened to Sleeping With Sirens in a while. I sighed and started singing the words why can't he understand that I love him and I always have, I wish he wasn't so afraid after all he's the one who broke up with me.

'Heroine my sweetest sin I can't seem to get enough pull me under wake me up, feel the rush morphine lover make me numb, make it so I can't get up paper thin to you sink in could you be my heroine'

Damn why can't he be my heroine he's always on my mind I can't get him out. But what about Alex? My boyfriend from the safe community I literally cheated on him how am I supposed to tell him? Shit I saw smoke up the road I began to run towards it. "Oh My God!" I yelled Tony and Mike ran towards me "Vic go get Alex he's stuck, someone came over here and broke the place down!" Mike yelled I may have cheated on Alex but I still love him. "Alex?!" I yelled "Vic help me!" He cried he was pinned under a walker. "Alex I'm coming babe!" "Vic no stop." he screamed he's been bitten, "Alex!" I cried and rushed to his side." His eyes welled up with tears. "Vic, baby I want you to remember me every time you hear me sing this okay." I nodded

"I've earned my place with the tidal waves, I can't escape this feeling"

"Vic I....." "You what Alex?!" I cried as Alex laid lifeless in my arms.

(Yeah guys Alex dies I'm sorry I love him but I kinda had to add that little heartbreaker scene in to make the book more interesting. I love you all my lovelies! Especially endlessgoodbyes😉😋)

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