Chapter 13

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(Kellin's Pov)

I awoke to Vic screaming once again "Vic baby, i'm here you're okay." he began to sob and hugged me "Kellin, I can't, we can't die, I hate this world but I love you you're my light in this dark world." he cried it pained me to see him like this but there's something he isn't telling me something but what is it? "Vic what's wrong you've had two nightmares in one night.." his eyes glistened in the little bit of light we had in our room. "Kellin the dream at first was Tony being bitten then Mikey shot himself.." I sighed "So is that why you ran to their room with out an explanation?" he nodded and continued "and the second time we were together before the apocalypse, and you left me alone and never came back so I panicked, I don't wanna lose you Kells your all I have left that actually makes things okay." a sob escaped his lips "Vic, Listen."

'I lost my heart, my home is the ocean. The waves underneath will soon be my home. I will fall asleep, I'll close my eyes and dream of days when I wasn't all alone. All that I know is gone, all that I know is gone. Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your song. I'll miss my breath, there's no more left. I'll miss the sound of the wind at my back. The depths have have a number, They call you by name. Fall asleep, Davy Jones calls you. So fall asleep, Fall asleep and dream. All that I know is gone, all that I know is gone, Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your song.'

(That' Don't Fall Asleep At The Helm if you didn't know it's a really good song you should check it out!)

I sang to him, his whimpering began to calm and I felt his breath slow I held him close knowing if I didn't he would awake screaming again. "I love you Vic." I fell into a deep sleep

-Next Morning-

(Mike's Pov)

"I wonder what was wrong when Vic busted into our room like that it wasn't normal of him." Tony's voice slurred. Tony was right he usually respected my privacy but when he came into my room hysterical like that I knew something was up. "Hey babe i'm going to check on Vic see if he's okay cause well you know about our childhood." Tony had a confused look on his face "Umm actually Mike I don't know anything about you and Vic's childhood, you've never brought it up." I nodded thinking back "well it all started when Vic was seven and I was five our mom was diagnosed with type three cancer... We knew she wasn't going to make it when she did finally pass on our dad went insane. The loss of our mom was too much to bear she died when Vic was thirteen and I was eleven, well Vic pretended to take it well but on the inside and behind closed doors I knew exactly what he did... He cut himself I remember the days when he went to school and he would raise his hand to answer the question and the teacher would see his pink scars and send him home early. My dad didn't care two shits about us he let us do whatever until I found Vic on the edge of death, he was hanging on by a thin thread. That's he met Kellin, he had the biggest crush on him and when he found out that Kelin liked him too he wasn't so depressed anymore he stopped cutting and he basically live to see Kellin smile. And as we all know some relationships come to and end, Kelin broke up with him one to go on tour with his band and two he was starting to have feelings for a girl and he didn't want to hurt Vic, well Vic took it the wrong way every bit of sunshine was sucked out of my brother he went back to his old ways, he never came out of his room unless it was for food and he really didn't eat much. Tony he really loved Kellin but Kellin's career got the best of their relationship, But if they would have never broken up there wouldn't have been Pierce the Veil.... So that relationship had it's down fall but it also inspired Vic." I finished spilling my life story to Tony, it actually wasn't just my life story it was Vic's, I heard a whimper expecting it to be Tony, but it wasn't it was Kellin.....

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