Chapter 17

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(Kellin's Pov)

I knew who exactly this guy was it was Andy Beirsack!!! "Kells, I haven't seen you since the last concert before this outbreak..." I looked back and remember back to warped tour when we first encountered these monsters after Katelynne died. "Yeah so where's Ashley, weren't you two a thing then?" "yeah and still are a thing.." He laughed I smiled "and by the sounds of it you and Vic are together in more ways than one.." He laughed causing the rest of the group gag. "Oh shut up!" Vic snapped "Vic, babe chill out he's joking i'm sure him and Ashley do the same... Maybe a bit rougher." I winked Andy rolled his eyes "Sure whatever floats your boat dude.." I laughed "Well what brings you here?" "I'm going to see Ashley because we kinda made base here, and I got lost." He sighed I nodded "okay we'll help you find your way back." I reassured him He smiled "Thank you Kellin.." I smiled back at him turning to Vic who looked less than pleased, he looked angry... "what's wrong Vic?" I asked him he shook his head nodding towards Mike, who was trying to seduce Tony. "Wow Mikey who knew you were into fucking Tony." Vic smirked "well your the one who's fucking Kellin and apparently so hard he screams!" Mike snapped and I blushed "Okay guys chill out there's a child among you.." Andy laughed pointing at Copeland. "Well guys lets hit the road we got a long day ahead of us.." I sighed Vic and Mike just rolled their eyes and started to walk off making me run after him.. "Vic?" I reached for his hand, he pulled away almost immediately.. "I'm sorry Vic, it's okay.." I tried to comfort him "No Kells it isn't, okay try loving someone your whole life and when you finally get him you get made fun of by your brother because of your own personal sex life." He snapped, he can be so terrifying sometimes I jumped away from him... His face lightened "Look Kells i'm sorry for snapping at you but Mike has always teased me about liking you." Wow I never knew Mike did that to him that's just messed up.

(Mike's Pov)

Vic stormed off and I earned some glares from Andy, Courtney and Copeland. Kellin ran after him and tried to calm him down, I saw him reach for his hand and Vic pulled away. Wow Vic since when did you not give a damn about Kellin? Is this my fault? Hell no he's just sensitive to jokes I didn't mean anything by it. Or did I am I that little brother that every older brother hates? Nah he loves me, he just refuses to admit it. Yeah that's totally it.. "Vic?" Kellin whined trying to convince Vic that it's okay. "Kells it really not he's all up in my sex life when he's the one who's fucking my best friend other than you Kellin!" What how does he know that I turned to Tony who looked like he was about to cry. "Tony babe don't cry.." I reached out for him and he fell into my arms an began to cry. "Vic I fucking hate you! You made my fucking boyfriend cry." I screamed "Mike honestly I don't give a fuck you pissed me off okay! Don't bring me and Kellin's sex life into this!" He screamed him screaming at me scares me sometimes and apparently it scared me today and I turned away and held my crying Tony and my brother just rolled his eyes and walked away with Kellin, Andy, Court, and Copeland. I followed him of course but I stayed far in the back to prevent anymore problems.
(Three more chapters!)

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