You're Ours And We're Yours

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Andrea woke up the next day with thoughts swirling through her mind. The dream she had seemed so real, so vivid. She shook her head, it was just a dream it doesn't mean anything. Shortly after Cynthia comes bouncing into the room, "Come on sleepyhead, lets get some food."

"Okay, okay, I'm up," Andrea smiled as she got ready. After her shower she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hand went up to touch her scar. It was so big and ugly, how could she show it to anyone? "The last thing I want," she thought, "is for the boys to see this. They will probably run away in horror." She put on a new face covering and put the boys out of her mind. While eating breakfast her thoughts kept drifting to the previous day.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Cynthia said, "You seem to be majorly out of it right now. Is everything okay?"

Andrea sighed, "No, not really. If I tell you something, can you keep it a secret?"

"Of course, roommates honor."

Andrea took a deep breath, "Well, turns out my name is Riley." She than proceeded to tell Cynthia about her and the boys, her previous life, everything. At the end of Cynthia was speechless.

"I don't even know what to say. That's like major craziness. But damn am I ever jealous, I would be riding those boys left, right and center if I was in your position."

Andrea grimaced, "Yeah, well, that won't be happening. I'm too screwed up for that." Suddenly she looked up as all 4 boys entered the dining room.

"Holy crap, they never come in here. You must really have them on a string if they are coming down to mere mortals land," Cynthia giggled. 

They radiated power as they went through the silent room, everyone was quiet, watching, waiting just to see what they would do. Andrea blushed as she was looking at them, she was definitely attracted to them but didn't want to act on her feelings. They came up to the table the girls were sitting at and sat down. They nodded their head at Cynthia and than proceeded to look at Andrea. 

"Hello sweetheart," Kaiden said. 

"Sleep well princess?" Lucas said.

"You really should come stay with us," Matt says. 

Hunter says nothing, just stares at her. Andrea felt warmth come over body but ends up looking down at her food instead, embarrassed. "Holy crap," she thinks internally, "I don't know what to do, what do I say. Ah!"

"Well this has been fun and all but I'm going to go," Cynthia quickly says, "Text me later An."

Andrea nodded her head in agreement and finally decided to lift up her head and face the guys head on. "Can I help you? And FYI I slept like crap, so thanks for that."

"Look, we just want to make sure you're okay and help you any way we can," Kaiden says softly, "We care about you Riley, I mean Andrea, that has never changed."

"Yeah, well, I'm not the same girl I was," she retorted.

"No, your not," Matt said, "You've grown into a beautiful woman. You always have been beautiful to us though. No matter who you are right now, it doesn't change how we feel."

"We still want it to be you and us against the world," Lucas says.

"And If I can't accept what you guys do and who you are?"

Hunter finally speaks up, "Than regardless we will protect you. No matter what you chose we will be here for you." 

"Well, since you guys are being so calm and chill about all of this, I think I will give it a chance and we can be friends. And only friends. I'm not looking for a relationship or relationships right now."

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