A Near Miss

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Riley was sitting in her room doing her homework. The guys were out doing "family business" things. They never told her exactly what they were doing, all she knew that it was dangerous and they didn't want her involved. She was stuck on a question when suddenly her phone rang. She saw it was Cynthia and answered it. "Hello?" she questioned. It was odd for her to call, usually she texted.

"Hi, Riley, I need help," Cynthia gasped out.

Riley sat up straight on her bed, "What's going on?"

"I screwed up. I met up with this guy and now I'm scared for my life. I won't do what he wants me to do and he's threatening me. Please come get me."

Riley grimaced, "I can't. The boys aren't here and I can't leave without them."

"Can you call them? Surely they will let you come get me."

"Well, I can try but if I do get a hold of them, they will probably want to come with me. I'd feel more comfortable with them regardless."

"No, you can't. Don't bring them. He said he will kill me if you don't come get me by yourself."

"Wait, he specifically wanted me? That seems odd."

There was a pause on the other side, "Well, not you specifically, it's just the place where I'm at is full of women. It would be noticeable if 4 guys suddenly came in. It will be easier to get me out of here if you show up by yourself."

"I have scars, a limp and use a cane, how the hell will I fit in? If anything it's going to be more noticeable."

"Please Riley, I have no one else to ask."

Riley sighed, "Cynthia, I want to but I can't. Not without the guys."

Cynthia suddenly screamed and she heard a loud bang on the other side. A man's voice came on. 

"Hello to whoever Cynthia is talking to. If you want to see your friend alive you will come now to this address and come alone. Don't tell anyone." He muttered the address than hung up

"Hello? Hello?" Riley asked over the phone but all she heard was a dial tone. Riley hung up the phone and quickly called the guys. None of them were answering. Riley bit her lip, she had no idea what to do. She didn't want to wait too long because the last thing she wanted was to be responsible for someone's death. But she knew it was dangerous for her to go without the guys.

"I'm sure it will be fine, I mean nothing has happened in weeks. I'm sure those group of guys have forgotten all about me," she muttered out loud, "I don't want Cynthia to get hurt." She grabbed her stuff and kept trying to call the guys. As she walked outside the dorm building she was stopped by security.

"Hold on miss, you can't leave, orders from the boss," a man said.

"Well, I'm just going for a walk, I'm taking a break from studying."

"Well than let me get an escort for you. You're not allowed to walk around by yourself. It's dangerous," he replied.

Suddenly they heard a large bang from the other side of the property. The guy quickly phoned someone and let out a few curse words. "Stay here," he ordered.

Riley smiled and took steps back into the building. Than watched as the guy booked it across the property. Once he was out of site she maneuvered her way slowly to the gate where a cab was waiting for her. She got in, gave the address and than off she went. While going there she kept calling the guys. Finally she saw Matt calling her back.

"Riley, what's wrong? We have a dozen missed calls from you. Tell me you're alright," Matt said.

"I'm fine, I uh, just got a call from Cynthia though, she's in trouble and I'm going to help her."

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