Chapter 1

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The first match of the season, Gryffindor v. Slytherin
As the game was drawing to a close you and your team flew around the pitch, though you lost your house was ecstatic for you all none the less. You and the team went into the change rooms.

"Alright Slytherin over here!" you call out gesturing for them all to join you, as they crowd around you stand on a bleacher so you could be seen properly. "Right team we may not have won today but I reckon we still played very well. That potter boy got lucky getting the snitch, if he hadn't  we'd have won for sure. Now, Malfoy you fought well to try to secure  the snitch, for your first match an impressive feat, just keep on practicing your on-broom lunges. Miles,"
You turned to face your keeper but out of the corner of your eye you noticed a tall man with long blonde hair and the most beautiful woman you'd ever seen standing beside him. They both were listening intently to what you had to say and with the woman's gaze studying you, you suddenly felt rather self-conscious.

You took a breath and got back into your post game speech. "Miles.. you saved a few and let a few in. I know you've just gotten over a nasty cold so for your state you did well.
Rosier and Avion the whole point of having beaters is to go for the entire team and yet you only went for Gryffindors Seeker AND they still got the snitch, you've got to work together if we're to win a match and finally our chasers myself, Adrian  and Eddie. Whilst we scored a fair few we will need to brush up on a few techniques if we want to beat Ravenclaw in our next match. Alright team go get changed and enjoy your weekend, our next practice is Wednesday evening at six, see you all then!"

You jumped off the bleacher and the team dispersed, well all except for your youngest teammate who looked at you expectantly.

"You alright Malfoy?" You asked the blonde second year.

"You're not disappointed I didn't get the snitch?"
He seemed very nervous which contradicted his usual self assured and smug attitude.

"It's alright, you put in a a hell of a fight for it, it's only your first match. You did good, alright? Now go rest up I expect you to be ready to learn for practice on Wednesday."

"Thanks" he said, he turned and walked over to the witch and wizard who had been watching us from the corner. Once he'd made his way over it was obvious that the pair were his parents. You quickly made yourself semi presentable and made your way over to the family.

"Mr and Mrs Malfoy I assume?" The pair nodded so you continued on. "I'm y/n y/l/n, captain of the team. I wanted to say thank you for your very kind donation of the nimbus brooms, the team very much appreciates it. I'm only sorry that we didn't win it for you."

"It was a very impressive game" the woman responds, she had sharp and high cheekbones and was the epitome of pure blood style and class. "I played beater on the Slytherin quidditch team when I was in Hogwarts."

You were a little shocked that the pristine woman before you played such a rough position. 
"It was lovely meeting you both, thank you once again thank you for the broomsticks. I best get  going I've an astronomy class in fifteen minutes." You smiled and bowed slightly to them both before making your exit of the quidditch change room.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now