Chapter 4

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That evening at dinner a letter dropped right next to your plate. You picked it up and saw your name written in an unfamiliar handwriting on the outside of the envelope. The ink was an expensive emerald green and the lettering was almost an art.

Eddie wolf whistled when he saw it earning him a glare from the nearby ravenclaw table.
"Your not so secret admirer I imagine."

You carefully opened it and saw that it was from Narcissa.

Dear Y/N,

The offer most certainly still stands and I am very much looking forward to seeing you. I plan to meet Draco at the station and then apparate us back to the manor from there, I hope that is okay with you as it's the easiest means of travel.


Narcissa Black.

Well it seems you would be going to Malfoy manor over the break. You didn't pick it up at first, not until Eddie pointed it out actually that she'd signed off with her maiden name and not her married name.

"And you were saying it was an off chance?" The boys eyebrows were raised impossibly high on his face, he adorned a smug expression.

"There are many reasons why she'd sign off with her maiden name, Eddie."


"Like..." you tried to think but your brain decided to stop working at that exact moment. "Like heaps of reasons that won't come to my brain right this second but definitely still exist."

"Ahh yes those very valid reasons that you can't even name."

"Whatever Ed's" you say with a shake of your head.


That Saturday morning you were awoken with a shake by Enid, a girl that shared your dorm.

"You best get up, your friend Edward is pacing the common room like a madman waiting for you."

You groaned, you'd forgotten you had agreed to go with him to hogsmeade today. You had a splitting headache and had no desire to wade through the crowds of Christmas shoppers.

You rose with a yawn and picked out some comfortable clothing, going to the bathroom that adjoined the dorm to change. Once you'd made yourself semi presentable you made your way down to Eddie who pounced on you the moment he saw you, he was about to get into a spiel about how long he'd been waiting but you held up your hand.

"Eddie I love you but I need an aspirin and a coffee before we go anywhere."

You both headed for the great hall where you poured yourself the warm beverage and Eddie found a packet of aspirin in his backpack, he offered you two and you downed them with your coffee.

After you'd finished your drink you rose and Eddie followed suite.
"I don't reckon you'll need many new outfits considering you've got those nice sweaters from your birthday but you'll definitely need some new pants that hug your figure better."

"Bloody hell you know my wardrobe better than I know it!" You commented. "And what's wrong with my current trousers?"

"We're trying to impress the woman y/n, your pants are fine but that's all they are, fine." He said. " you'll also need to get Narcissa and Draco a gift considering you're staying in their home and I assume you haven't gotten them anything yet."

"Yes you're right." You agree. "You know I don't say it enough but Ed's I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I'm glad to see I'm finally appreciated, looking after your chaotic arse for the past few years hasn't been easy"

You give him a playful shove and he grins at you.

As you both made your way to hogsmeade you realised you had no idea what to get Narcissa, Draco was easy enough, a couple of qudditch books would be perfect. But Narcissa? You had no idea.

After picking out two new pairs of tight fitting jeans and a low cut blouse. The pair of you made your way to the quidditch store, you chose a book on seeker technique and the memoirs of a famous players from the 60s.

"Right so you've got your clothes and Draco's gift, how about Narcissa?" Eddie asked.

"I haven't a clue, maybe something from flourish and botts."

"To flourish and botts it is!" He declared marching off. You had to jog to keep up with his ridiculous pace.

You spent a good twenty minutes in the store but nothing truly grabbed you. You felt defeated and was about to state that when out of the corner of your eye you noticed a store front you hadn't seen before across the road.

Eddie followed your gaze and nodded his head. "Let's go check it out"

You made your way over and opened the door to the store front, an expanse of high quality cloaks adorned every shelf.

You ran your fingers over the fabric, they were beautiful. You spotted a black cloak that seemed to shimmer a deep green when the light hit it. It had an emerald fasting. It was just perfect.

"Ahh!" A voice with a heavy Slavic  accent from behind you made you jump. "Yes it is quite a lovely cloak, I hand it stitched myself. I can sew  an initial if you'd like on the inside pocket, no extra cost."

You turned to the woman. "Yes I'll take it please, an N thank you."

The woman smiled at you, "I can do it now, or I can have it delivered to you by the evening."

Eddie showed you his watch, it was already nearing the time you were expected to be back at Hogwarts.

"Delivery would be perfect." You gave her the address of the school and got out your coin purse to the witch. It was a little on the pricey side for a gift but for the quality of it it was worth it.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now