Chapter 10

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Thursday the 24th of December 1992, Christmas Eve.

[ Todays the day! I shall say no more on the matter except that I'm excited. Nothing explicit probably right a few peoples dismay and a fews delight. That shall come later with proper warning]
[also minor swearing in this chapter]

You awoke with a splitting headache, you sat up and looked for the clock on your bedside table but it wasn't there, instead was a cup of water, an aspirin and a note

You had a bit of a rough night. Come down and talk to me when you feel up to it.
- Narcissa

You looked around the room and realised with dismay that you weren't in your room, you weren't in your bed.

You quickly rose and regretted it instantly, clutching your head in pain. You took the aspirin and water and downed them both

You left the room and realised that your room was straight across the hall and that could only mean one thing, you had just been sleeping in Narcissa's bed. Holy fuck, what the hell happened last night??

You went into your room changed into some comfy clothes and made your way downstairs, the grandfather clock struck at that moment letting you know that it was already noon, nobody was in the dining room so you checked the library. Curled up with a book on the third level you found Narcissa. She turned as you walked in.

"Good afternoon Y/n, how does your head feel?" She asks.

"Like it's been run over by a steam roller" you admit. "Was I..was I sleeping in..." you trailed off

"In my bed? Yes. Your friends dropped you home last night and they deposited you there." The witch gave you a small smile.

"Merlin I'm sorry about last night, I don't really remember anything but uhh that's never a good sign.." you stammer.

"You don't remember anything at all?" She asks.

"No not really, I remember going to a club in muggle London and then it's all black. Did I say something?" You ask.

"Oh no nothing at all" she reassured you. "Will you sit with me? I owe you an apology."

You sit on the lounge beside her, leaving the most distance you can between yourselves.

"Y/n I wanted to say I'm sorry for being so distant the other day for pushing you out so suddenly without giving you a reason. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm really sorry."

"It's all good Narcissa, don't uhh.. worry about it. It's all good" You say uncomfortably.

"It's not all good dear... I really am so sorry."

Your gaze was fixed on the floor in front of you.

"I was wondering..." she began. "If well maybe we could try your deal out?"

"It was a stupid idea, you don't need to do this I accept your apology Narcissa." You look at her now.

"But what if I want to do this?" She asks you.

"But you don't, you're just trying to be kind and rekindle the friendship or whatever."

"I do actually want to do this but I'd like to change it up a bit." She says

"How so?"

"I shall tell my person that I have feelings for them but you're under  no obligation to tell your person, it's up to you if you feel like it."

"If you want to do this I won't stop you." You say with a shrug.

She takes a shaky breath in and on the exhale says "I have feelings for you."

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now