Chapter 15

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(This chapter is low key chaotic and makes little to no sense but will be explained in later chapters so please bear with me)

Monday the 28th of December 1992

You open your eyes and see that Narcissa's not by your side. You sit up and yawn, you'd probably fallen asleep at about 3am and judging by the light outside it was no later than 5:30am.

You get out of bed and walk into her ensuite, looking at your reflection in the mirror you see that you're a mess. Darker bags than usual reside under your eyes and your hair is clumpy and tangled. You groan slightly at the sight casting a quick charm to untangle the worst of the knots in your hair.

You walk back into her room and see your clothes from have been folded and placed on the seat of an armchair, you step into them not really caring that they probably smelt a bit of sweat and stress.

You make your way down the hall, then the stairs and into the dining room. Narcissa is at the table drinking a mug of coffee and eyes intently reading the daily prophet so much so that she doesn't notice you walk in until you wrap your arms around her shoulders and give her a quick kiss on her temple.

"Why aren't you asleep darling?" She asks you. "It's far too early to be up given the time you finally fell asleep."

"I could ask you the same question" you say in response.

You let go of her and pull your usual chair closer to her so you could read the paper over her shoulder.

An article on the outburst of dragon pox in wizarding Argentina was what she was reading. You skimmed it picking up the basics before she turned the page. The next page covered an article on a cult found practicing dark magic in the Himalayas on unsuspecting muggles in the area.
Narcissa was a quick reader and was soon turning the page, the last article of the prophet depicted a rough sketch of a thief who had stolen 30,000 galleons from gringotts late last night. Narcissa nearly closed the paper but you put your hand on hers to stop her.

"fuck" you breathed out.

Narcissa turned to face you eyes full of concern, "what's the matter my love?"

"that...that sketch looks just like my father, I mean his nose was a bit more crooked and his face thinner but that's him to a T otherwise"

"Didn't you say your father had passed six years back?" The older witch asked.

"He did" you murmur, thinking hard.

"Could it be a coincidence?" She asked you.

You shake your head. "You see that scar below his left eye" you point it out. A long jagged scar is sketched there, it's the perfect outline of a spur. "He got that as a teen when he double crossed some Texan wizard."

"So what you're saying is either he's still alive or someone's purposely framed a dead man through disguising themself as him?"She asks.

"He can't be alive so it'd have to be the latter" you say.

"But who would frame your father y/n?"

Then it all hits you. "Eddie..."

The older witch looks at you in a confused manner. "Why would Eddie rob gringotts?"

"It's not about robbing gringotts it's about being found out."

"We need to tell his parents" Narcissa stands

You shake your head. "He'll be here soon enough. We should be changed and ready, he's going to need as much backup as he can get"

Not two hours later there was a lauding knocking at the front door.

Narcissa went to open but you pushed her behind you gently, "wait here love" you say.

With your wand ready you opened the door and your suspicions were right, in the doorway stood three tall men aged 45 to 65 and a frightened Eddie with a wand to his throat.

"Are you y/n y/l/n ?" The eldest man questioned.

"I might be" you say in response. "What do you want? Why do you bring me this fool?"

Eddie looks hurt but I don't glance at him lest I give away the plan.

"Your friend here decided to fuck us over, so now I've got to kill him and you and whoever else is in this building."

"I don't see why you must kill me? I've nothing to do with this fool, he's an imbecile, messed me over big time, get it over with, kill him, come on hurry up" your tone was strong and held its ground but inside you were shaking.

"And how do I know you're not just saying that to spare your own life Hmm?" He asks.

"If you're not going to kill him I'll kill him, so you best hurry up because I'm getting impatient."

"Good ahead, kill him you haven't got it in ya!" The man with the wand to Eddie's neck spat.

You pointed your wand at Eddie and wordlessly cast a transportation charm that's actions mimicked that of the unforgivable curse. Eddie would hopefully be landing softly on your bed upstairs by now.

"Really trying to upshow us, ey? Wordless Avada Kedavra. Pretentious bitch." The youngest man spat.

"Now kindly fuck off before I call the Aurors on you, yeah?" You say.

The men, deciding their job was done departed the door step and You shut the door, locking it and making your way to Narcissa who was by this point trembling by the stairs.

You wrapped your arms around her and she let out a shaky breath.

"You didn't kill him did you?" She asked.

"My love no he's upstairs probably fast asleep on my bed" you say. "Cissa are you alright?"

"I'm sorry, I just, I know those men and I should've been there with you because they're dangerous but as soon as I saw it was them I just froze and broke down, I'm pathetic" she muttered.

"You're not pathetic Cissa. Not at all. Come let's get you some tea to calm your nerves, I might need some as well" You admit. "Then we'll check on Eddie, okay?"

She nods and you both make your way to the kitchen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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