Chapter 13

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Saturday the 26th December 1992
(⚠️Warning there is smut at the end of the chapter. I'll add another warning before it happens just in case though⚠️)

The next morning you awoke tangled with Narcissa. You kissed her awake as you had yesterday.

"Morning darling" she murmured sleepily.

"Good morning" you say in reply.

She yawns and pulls you impossibly closer to her, "I could get used to being woken up like this" she decides.

You smile at her, humming in response.

"Well we have a big day ahead of us, we should probably be getting up." She says though not making any effort to untangle herself from you. You pout at her and she takes your bottom lip between her teeth tugging it gently before wriggling out of your arms and standing up.

"That wasn't fair" you say sulkily to the older witch.

"And what are you going to do about it?" She teases, amusement evident in her gaze.

You narrow your eyes and jump out of bed, pushing her against the wall and kissing her hard, she inhaled shakily before kissing you back. Your lips leave hers placing kisses across her cheeks and jaw all the way to behind her ear, you blow a hot breath on to her ear, before tugging her earlobe with your teeth sharply. Her eyes are now closed and she's bitting her lips.

You grin at the woman before whispering into her ear "I'm going to do that"

You tug her earlobe with your teeth once again and she let's out a small whimper, her eyes still scrunched shut.

You step back and walk over to your suitcase, you're halfway into the bathroom when she's finally opened her eyes and has her breathing more or less under control. You wink at her before closing the door and beginning to get ready for the day.

The ball was to start at 8pm and the day was spent hastily preparing the last few touches, stealing kisses from each other whenever you were alone, leaving each other flustered, bodies thrumming for each other.

At six when the hall looked set for the ball you and Narcissa went your seperate ways to get ready.

You had a quick shower and got dressed, casting a charm to dry your hair. You applied a generous amount of foundation you'd borrowed from Narcissa to the mark she'd given you yesterday on your neck along with a few lighter ones she'd left on you throughout the day.

You styled your hair into an updo, applied a few basic sections of makeup to your face namely mascara, a light blush and a shiny emerald green eyeshadow.
Giving yourself a once over in the mirror you felt pleased, your one aim would be met, Narcissa would not be able to keep her eyes off of you, you looked good, really good.

You slipped on your heels and checked the time, it read 7:45, perfect timing. You applied a large quantity of perfume and left your room, finding your way to the hall the ball was to be held in.

A few house elves were scurrying to and fro with hands full of dishes, you noticed a small elf struggling under the weight of the trays so you knelt in front of him and asked if you could help. He looked flustered and embarrassed but accepted the help regardless, you took a large dish from his hands and followed him to a long table already piled with steaming dishes that had heating charms applied.

"Thank you missus" the elf stuttered. "My name is Inky"

"What a lovely name" you smiled at the elf, and he beamed under your praise.

The familiar sound of the floo could be heard from the room over and the first group of guests entered the hall. A middle aged aristocratic couple decked to the nines with two solemn teenage children that you recognised as fourth year from your own house at Hogwarts.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now