Chapter 9

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Wednesday the 23rd of December 1992

(Mentions of alcohol and a fair bit of swearing. If that's not your cup of tea, I apologise)

The next morning you rose early, the clock on the bedside table showed it wasn't even six yet. You didn't feel like facing Narcissa come breakfast time so instead you got dressed into a pair of jeans and a thick coat, scribbled a note of your whereabouts saying you'd be out for the whole day, you left the note on the dining room table and took the floo to diagon alley.

Not many people crowded the streets this early, you walked through around for a few hours just enjoying the peace and quiet of the winter morning.

At around ten you found that you were quite hungry so you made your way into a small cafe and ordered a coffee and a pumpkin pasty. You sat there until noon by which time you were certain Leo and Sasha would be awake.

Though not the most proficient at apparation you gave it a go and ended up on their front porch with only a small bruise on your knee to show for it.

You knocked on the thin timber door and the twins mother opened it.

"Oh y/n! Lovely to see you dear! The twins are in the sitting room please come in"

"Thank you Mrs. Malcom." You say as she guides you inside.

The twins lived in a fairly small and cosy home on the outskirts of muggle London.

"Leo, Sasha. Y/ns here to see you both." Mrs Malcom said.

"Yo, what's good Y/n?" Asked Leo. He stood nearly six inches taller than you and sported a shock of black hair that came down to his shoulders. He clapped you on the back.

"Feels like we haven't seen you in weeks" Sasha comments, she was only two inches  taller than you and her black hair was styled into a bob that finished just below her ears.

"I know I've missed you guys." You say. "Can't believe it's only been under a week."

"We've missed you too, Sasha's been driving me crazy!" Leo says which earns him a shove from his sister.

"So what are you doing on this side of town?" Asks Sasha "Thought you were staying at Malfoy Manor over the break."

"I was but then things got awkward  so now I've decided to escape for the day and see you both."

"Trouble in paradise?" Leo asks.

"Bloody hell I'm going to kill Eddie!" You exclaim.

"So you're not dating Draco's mum?" he asks.

"No! Sure I might fancy her but we are not dating." You say with a shake of your head.

"Sorry, from the way Eddie was describing it, it sounded like you were" Sasha explains.

You and the twins hung out until the late afternoon, you spoke of school and what they'd been up to the last week, when it got time for you to share you just about broke into tears

"You know what we should do?" Leo asked. "We should go out tonight, let's go to a club, we'll have a couple of drinks and she'll be off your mind in no time!"

"I'm in" says Sasha.

They both looked at you expectantly. "Oh what the hell let's get absolutely fucked!"

"Hell yeah!" Leo yells.

"There's this club in muggle London called the Viper, Eddie's been raving about it why don't we go there?" you suggested.

"Aight I'm going to go get changed, y/n I've got some clothes that'll fit you come on"

Fourty five minutes later you, Leo and Sasha were waiting in line to get into the Viper.

"IDs?" The bouncer asked the group in front of you.

"Shit I don't have a muggle ID." Leo whispers.

"Neither do I" you reply.

"We'll just hit him with a confondo charm, easy enough" Sasha says with a shrug.

Ten minutes later we walk in, leaving a very dizzy bouncer in our wake.

The music was blaring a song you hadn't heard before but Leo and Sasha seemed to recognise immediately.

"Yo! This is my fucking jam!" Leo yells over the thumping bass, he grabs yours and Sasha's hands leading you into the thick of the crowd. You all dance and have a load of fun and you nearly get Narcissa out of your thoughts, nearly.

Narcissa's POV -

There was a banging at the front door at 1am, I was up anyway waiting on y/n's arrival back.

I got there before the house elves.

As I opened the door I saw two tipsy teens and one very intoxicated sobbing y/n.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Y/n came to our house upset today, we hung out and then I suggested we go get drinks to help her forget what it was that was upsetting her, didn't go to plan, y/n drank a heap and only got more emotional." The boy with the black hair said.

"We didn't know where to take her but we knew she was staying here so..." the girl trailed off.

I took y/n into my arms and she suddenly seemed to realise where she was. She tried to jump out of my arms but I held her tight.

"I don't want to see you!" She yell whispered at me.

I turned to the two standing awkwardly in the doorway, "I'll need you both to help me carry her upstairs and then you both need to get home and get some rest I'll look after her."

The three of us carried y/n up to my room and laid her on the bed.

"Thank you for bringing her here." I say to the pair

They both nod a little awkwardly, I walk them back out to the front door and they appraperate home.

I walked upstairs and back into my room. She was sobbing into my pillow and my heart ached. I sat beside her stroking her hair.

"Y/n what happened?" I ask.

"I don't want to see you!" She semi yells back.

"I will go if you just talk to me first." I promise her.

She sighs, and through a sob chokes out. "I don't get it Narcissa, you're so open and friendly and then I say one fucking thing and you're shutting me out completely. I said a stupid thing about a stupid deal and you throw up this barricade between us. then I apologise but you've already got a barrier up between us, I don't get what Did I do wrong?" She scrunched up her eyes.

And I felt terrible in that moment, I had pushed her away and she thought it was because of what she said when in reality the fact that I'd been pinning over her since the moment I Iaid eyes on her was finally getting too much to handle.

"Y/n I like you" I say but I see she's passed out asleep already.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now