Chapter 14

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Sunday the 27th of December

You and Narcissa woke up with a start to a pounding on the door to her bedroom. You both jumped out of bed. Narcissa shooed you into the bathroom and wrapped a dressing gown around herself before she opened the door to the bedroom and you had your ear against the bathroom door trying to figure out what was happening.

"Mum!" You heard Draco exclaim seemingly in distress. "There's a man downstairs he says he needs to talk to y/n but I have no idea who he is and I can't even find y/n"

"It's alright Draco" she tried to soothe her anxious son. "I'm going to get changed quickly to check who it is, have you looked for y/n in the greenhouse yet?"

You heard his dispersing footsteps, Narcissa opened the door to the bathroom. "Go get changed quickly love, he's gone to look for you outside. You've got about five minutes until he's back. We'll go downstairs once you're dressed see who it is."

You rushed past Narcissa, grabbing your dress from last night to cover yourself and dashed for your room. When you got inside you chucked on some clothes, made your hair semi presentable and were about to leave when you noticed just how much the older witch had marked you last night. You threw a scarf on and dashed outside. Not two moments later Narcissa left her room, you both made your way downstairs. Draco coming up them at that moment.

"I found her in the library" Narcissa explained. "Let's go see who it is"

You all made your way down together and standing by the front door you were met with the concerned face of Jeremiah Montague, Eddie's dad.

"Mr. Montague, are you alright?" You ask the man.

He looks as though something terrible has happened and you feel a wave of anxiety roll through you.
"It's Eddie..." he says. "He's missing, I have no idea where he is..has he contacted you?" He asks desperately.

"I haven't spoken with Eddie since the day we did our potions assignment at your house. How long has he been missing?" You ask.

"He went out yesterday morning and he hasn't come home yet." The man looked distraught and so you wrapped him in a hug.

It was incredibly unusual for Eddie to go out and not come home. If he were going to he always made sure to let his parents know.

"We'll find him mr. Montague, have you checked with the Malcom twins yet? Is there any chance he's stayed the night there?" You ask him.

"I haven't checked there yet, I just thought I'd check with you first"

You nod at the man. "Okay well I'll check there. Have you contacted the police yet?"

"Yes but it hasn't been 48 hours yet so they won't do anything. He's legally an adult as of a month ago so the 24 hour mark means nothing now..." despair clouded his tone and expression.

Narcissa spoke up then. "Y/n and myself will call around to the Malcom residence, you should check the school, see if there's any chance he's gone back early without telling you. If he's not there then the next place to look is at st mungos, once we've checked the Malcom's we'll go to diagon alley and hogsmeade. Let's meet back up at 3pm at your house if we haven't found him yet. Okay?" She said everything in a tone that seemed to reassure Jeremiah a great deal. "Is your wife looking?"

"She's checking with a few relatives."

"Perfect. We'll see you soon mr. Montague, we'll find him" she squeezed the man's shoulder and he nodded at us before apparating off of the doorstep.

She turned to face Draco. "Draco sweetheart I need you to go to your friend Pansy's house. Ask her father to meet me at diagon alley at noon."

The boy nodded, running quickly to the floo.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now