Chapter 6

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A little side note that canonically I know that Narcissa had Draco when she was 25 but in this fic she was 18 at the time.
It decreases the age difference between you both and I've always found it odd that Narcissa and Lucius would wait that many years into their marriage to have their child when having a Malfoy heir was such an important thing to both parties. Of course there's the possibility that Narcissa had trouble falling pregnant but now this little side note has turned longer than it was meant to so I'm going to stop rambling.
Sunday, the 20th of December 1992.

The next morning you rose bright and early, it wasn't even 7 yet. You decided to go have a shower.

The bathroom was probably the most incredible bathrooms you'd ever seen. The walls were tiled in an emerald green and the floor in a black and white checkered pattern. In one corner stood a claw footed bathtub, on the same wall a large vanity. On the opposing wall the toilet and an oversized shower which had three shower heads, one on either wall of the shower and the other straight above.

You undressed and got into the shower, the pressure was honestly to die for. Merlin if the showers at school had this sort of pressure you'd all be fighting claw and tooth in your dorm for the shower every night, having to physically drag one another out for the next persons turn. Maybe it was for the best they weren't.

You washed yourself and hair. Dried off and picked a casual pair of trousers and a shirt. After doing your hair you made your way down to the dining room.

"Good morning." Narcissa said with a grin from her place at the table.

"Morning" you reply with a smile.

"Did you sleep alright?"

"Yes quite well thank you."

You heard a yawn from the doorway and saw a sleepy Draco make his way to his seat. A few moments later the food appeared and you three began to eat your breakfast.

"Mum, I'm going to Goyles today. He and a few of the boys are playing quidditch." He suddenly looked at you a little embarrassed. "I didn't think you'd want to come it's just a few second year boys."

"All good" you say with a smile. "Do me a favour and scout any good talent, we might have a beater to replace if Avion doesn't pull his head in" this time with a wink.

"Will do!" The boy says through a mouth full of toast.

"Draco please finish the food in your mouth before you speak." Narcissa reprimanded

"Sorry mum" the boy had turned a shade of red.

"Y/n you mentioned last night you're taking herbology for your newts?" Narcissa questioned you.

"Yes I am" you reply.

"Did you have anything planned for the day?" She asked.

You shook your head.

"I have these fanged geraniums and they won't seem to grow no matter the location I plant them, would you mind having a look at them for me after breakfast? See if I've done something wrong?" Narcissa asked.

"Sure that would be no problem." You reply.

"Thank you dear"

After breakfast Draco raced over to get himself ready whilst you and Narcissa chatted about the annual Yule ball that the Malfoys held.
It was to be held the day after Christmas and you realised with dismay that if you were to attend you'd definitely need to buy a new gown so you told Narcissa as much.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now