Chapter 7

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Monday the 21st of December 1992

You woke up the next morning and stretched, glancing at the clock on the bedside table. It read 7:30.

You got up and walked over to your suitcase, it was a little chilly this morning so you picked out a thick sweater and some jeans. You got changed quickly, did your hair and made your way down to the dining room.

"Good morning" You call out as you see Narcissa sitting at the table reading the daily prophet.

"Morning" she replies but her eyes don't leave the paper, whatever she's reading seems to be rather preoccupying. You take a seat to her left like you have in the previous days. The food arrives shortly after. The smell of the bacon seemed to snap narcissa from her thoughts, she put down the paper and you saw her eyes were red rimmed like she'd been crying.

"Narcissa" you place your hand on hers and she looks at you. "Are you alright?"

"yeah yeah, I'm fine" she says.

You gave her an unconvinced look. "If you need to talk I'm here, okay?"

"Thanks". She says softly, she begins to eat her breakfast slowly.

After a few moments you noticed that Draco was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Draco?" You ask Narcissa.

"He's come down with a cold."

"Oh poor kid, sucks to be sick over the holiday period."

The rest of breakfast was eaten in silence. When Narcissa finished she excused herself, you were going to go after her but decided against it.

You left the table and decided to check out the library, after thirty minutes of walking down random hallways you finally found the library. You went in to inspect the closest book shelf. The shelf had a large quantity of books on potion making and complex charms. The next shelf held books on transfiguration and apparition after exploring the vast amounts of shelf's on the first level you decided to climb the stairs to the second level. A quick study displayed that this level held books on history and memoirs of famous muggles and wizards alike. You climbed to the third level and found that it held books of fiction. You came across a copy of a muggle classic, a personal favourite of yours. You took it out and sat down on a lounge in the corner by the fireplace which was already lit and begun to read.


"Thought I might find you here" Narcissa's voice gave you a fright, you looked up as the witch sat beside you. "Are you enjoying it?" She says gesturing to the book in your hands.

"Yes I've read it a few times before." You say.

"I umm... I was wondering whether I could talk to you." She said, she begun to pick at a thread on her dress.

"Yeah of course, what's up?" You ask her.

"" Narcissa was fidgeting with her hands now so you took one in yours.

"Narcissa... what's wrong?" You ask again.

She sighs and looks at you in a way that shows she's debating whether to talk of what's troubling her or not.

"You know Lucius my husband?" She asked finally.

You nod.

"Well he's in Azkaban at the moment, that's why he's not here.." she trails off.

"Yes, I think I saw something about that in the prophet.." you supply.

She looks like she wants to say something but changes her mind. She's silent for a time. "It's my fault he's in there..."

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now