Chapter 2

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It was 5:30 on  Wednesday evening and you had got to the quidditch pitch early to do a few laps of the field before the rest of the team arrived. As you run around the outskirts of the pitch for your second lap you became aware of somebody watching you from the stands. You looked up and spotted Draco's mother in the Slytherin stands. You waved and she waved back, you wondered what she was doing here. You grabbed your broom which you'd left by the bottom of the stands and flew up to her.

You landed your broom a few meters from the woman.

"I apologise for disturbing your practice" she said seemingly to have read your thoughts. "My husband Lucius was called into a meeting with professor Dumbledore and I remembered that you had said your practice was this evening so i thought id watch."

"No need to apologise Mrs Malfoy" you say with a slight smile.

"Please call me Narcissa, Mrs  Malfoy makes me feel old." She wore a long sleeved black dress tonight and her hair was done into an elaborate braid that lay over her left shoulder. She looked absolutely incredible.

You heard noise from the pitch and saw that Avion and Eddie had arrived. They seemed to notice you and flew up to join you.
Avion was a pigheaded fifth year, Eddie was a seventh year like yourself and your best friend.

Avion had a shock of black curls, that framed his face.  "Hey cap!" He seemed to then take in the woman's beside you's presence.

"Alexandre Avion" he says sticking out his hand.

"Narcissa Malfoy" she took his hand and he gave it a kiss, it was obvious this was his terrible means of attempting to flirt with the gorgeous witch and for some reason it made your blood boil. Narcissa seems not to notice his attempts for her eyes left him quickly and found their way back to you.

"I'm Eddie Montague" your friend offered. Not sticking out his hand. "Are you Draco's mother?"

"I am indeed" she says, her eyes still trailed over your body and you suddenly realised that your run earlier had caused your uniform to cling to you as a result of the sweat. Your cheeks turned a bright red as you quickly crossed your arms over your chest in an attempt to hide your figure.

More noise could be heard from the pitch below and you saw that the rest of the team had assembled.

"It was nice seeing you again mrs. Mal... Narcissa." You stutter out.

"As to you dear" she replied. "You don't mind if I watch the team practice do you?"

"Not at all go right ahead." You smiled at the woman before turning to the Avion and Eddie. "Well we best go meet the others and get to it."

You all flew down on your brooms and after a quick run through of the drills and techniques you'd focus on this evening, practice begun.
An hour and a half later your now very sweaty team made their way into the change rooms.

"Oi Malfoy!" Avion called to the youngest member of the team. "Your mum is stunning, mind introducing us sometime?" He then made a crude gesture that was your last straw. You grabbed your wand and shot a hex at the boy who quickly begun to puke up slugs.

"What the hell y/l/n?!?!" The boy sputtered through a mouth of slugs.

The rest of the team had burst out laughing all bar Draco who seemed still uncomfortable after the comments made about his mother.

"If you act like that again Avion you won't just be puking slugs you might find yourself on the bleachers next match. You're disgusting." You shook your head in disbelief at your teammate.

After that everybody silently changed before heading out of the change rooms leaving only a sulky Avion, Draco and I.
Avion glared and you and Draco before leaving as well.

"Sorry you had to see that Malfoy" you say to the young boy.

He shrugged trying to play it off "I'm used to my friends finding my mum good looking."

"Maybe so but Avion was a douche. He needs to learn to keep it in his jocks." You reply to him.

You both walk out of the changing rooms and spot Narcissa leaning against the wall of the building.

"What happened to the boy with the black curls. He looked rather ill" she said, seeming a little concerned.

"Oh nothing import..." You began but Draco cut you off.

"Y/n hexed him! He was being inappropriate so y/n hexed him! He was asking me to introduce you, mum to him and then made some rude gestures."

"Is that so?" Narcissa asked.

"He was being rude so I hexed him yes..." you reply.

"Well I appreciate that" the woman responded.

"No problem.." you say a little embarrassed, scratching the back of your neck. "I best get going"

You turn to leave but Narcissa calls out "wait a moment."

"I had something I wanted to ask you y/n" the woman said. "Draco was telling me that you were planning on staying at Hogwarts over the Christmas break."

"Sorry" the boy says, cheeks flushed. "I may have mentioned that.."

"Anyway" Narcissa continued on. "We'd be honoured if you'd join us at Malfoy manor over the break."

"Oh I.. well thank you but I wouldn't want to intrude" you reply.

"Please we would love to have you there."

This beautiful woman was asking you to stay over the holidays at her expensive, lavish mansion. It'd be the dream come true if A) she wasn't the mother to the second year boy on your quidditch team and B) wasn't happily married.

"Will you think about it at least? you don't need to answer now.." her eyes looked hopeful.

"Alright I'll think about it then." You say.

The grin that lights up her face makes you want to say yes right then and there just to see it a little bit longer. Merlin you really were absolutely smitten for the older witch.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now