Chapter 12

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[me : "the idea for this story is chaotic and I'm not sure I'm going to like it very much"
Also me : *has written twenty ish chapters for this fic without a clear end in place yet*]

Friday the 25th of December 1992

You woke up the next morning aware that you weren't alone in your bed, you looked up and saw that you had been lying on Narcissa's chest as she held you to her tightly. The warmth that surrounded your heart was instantaneous. You glanced at the bedside table at saw the clock said it was ten past seven, Draco would be waking his mother in twenty minutes to wish her a merry Christmas and when he didn't find her in her bed you worried the next place he'd look would be here.

You twisted  around in her arms and kissed her lips to wake her, she grinned. 

"Merry Christmas sweetheart" you say.

"Merry Christmas love" she says opening her eyes slowly, she leans forward kisses you again and again and again.

"Whilst I'd normally be all for kissing you,  it's quarter past seven now, Draco will be looking for you in fifteen minutes." You point out.

She pouts slightly, "well then I still have ten more minutes before I need to leave your room." She kisses you again and the kiss turn passionate quickly. Her hands find your hips and twist the rest of your body so that your now straddling her. Your tongues fight in a slow but non-the less passionate manner and after a few minutes you're both out of air. She kissed you again but on your jaw this time making her way down your neck leaving butterfly kisses all the way until she reaches your pulse where she draws back.

"Y/n how low cut is your dress for the Yule ball?" She asks.

You look at her confused, "uhh it's pretty low.."

She seems to think for a moment, "than I guess I shall have to lend you some makeup on the night."

You're about to ask what she means but she's begun to suck on the point of your pulse you fight hard to stifle the moan that threatens to escape your throat , she's nips at it with her teeth and soothes the sting with her tongue before sucking on it again, this time though it can't be stifled and you moan softly. she draws back to look at her work and seemingly satisfied she leans into your ear and whispers "mine"

You turned to her with raised eyebrows, "did you just...claim me?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?" She asks in a teasing manner.

" not at all.." you stammer out

She smirks at your breathlessness "good" she glances at the clock "I best get to my room before Draco does."
She kisses you gently on your lips and you roll off of her to allow her to get up, she kisses you again and then stands, leaving your room with you feeling incredibly flustered.

You get up throwing on a sweater with a high neck and a pair of jeans, you run the comb through your hair grab the gifts you'd gotten  Draco and Narcissa as you leave your room Narcissa  leaves hers across the hall and an excited Draco comes bounding down the hallway.

"Merry Christmas" he calls out once he's made it you both.

You both wish him and each other a merry Christmas though you'd already done that he didn't need to know that.

You three make your way to the sitting room where a small Christmas tree has been set up, you raise an eyebrow not remembering it being there last night.

"The house elves" Narcissa explains sitting in an armchair next to the tree. Draco and you find a place on the floor. An assortment of gifts sent from various friends yesterday evening are handed out to the three of you.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now