Chapter 3

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The Christmas break was approaching rather quickly you realised with dismay and you had still yet to answer Narcissa.

You wanted to say yes because you wanted to spend as much as time you could with the woman but on the other hand it didn't feel particularly appropriate given the circumstances.

You sat in the great hall eating your breakfast with your friend Eddie practically chewing your ear off. you'd never seen him so excited before in your entire life and you tried to listen, you really were trying but a certain former Slytherin Beater seemed to occupy all of your thoughts at the moment.

"Hey Ed's,I know that you're excited but they're going to be clearing breakfast in about fifteen minutes so you best eat up." You say with a nod to the boys plate that seemed to get through to him because he quickly picked up his fork and began shovelling in his eggs and bacon though never once slowing down on his train of thought.

"Eddie, I promise I will listen to you talk about your plans for the Christmas break after breakfast. You needn't talk and eat you'll choke."

"I'm sorry I'm just very excited"

"Hey don't be sorry id just prefer a living best friend over a dead one."

He chuckled at that. "Alright but that means you need to tell me about your plans considering you've  finished your food and I won't be giving you another chance today, I've so much to say."

You shrugged at your friend, "I really don't have much to say, I'll be staying here over the break. I got an offer to stay at the Malfoys but I think it's wise to decline."

Eddie's grey eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "You got an offer to stay at the malfoys and you're thinking about declining?" So much for not talking.

"It's not appropriate, I'm five grades above Draco he's not some mate of mine and his parents are happily married so it's not like my little crush on his mother would result in anything anyway. It's just not appropriate."

"Appropriate be damned! Who invited you there? His mother or father?" He asked.

"His mother..."

"Well I think you're an idiot to decline. Firstly no pure blood arranged marriage is a happy marriage, it's all a charade. Secondly she wants you to be there, she wouldn't have offered if she didn't. She wants you to be there and you're going to be there, and you're going to look absolutely irresistible whilst you're there. We're going to hogmeade this weekend to buy you some killer outfits, you best go owl her before class."

"Eddie she's not interested in me like that." You say.

"Why else would she have invited you?" Eddie asked.

"Because she's kind and feels bad that her sons quidditch captain is going to spend the holidays at school."

"You are so naive y/n" he said with a click of his tongue.

"Alright Eddie I'll play along with your charade so on the off chance that she is interested in me"

"The definite chance" he cut in.

"On the off chance, what will happen anyway. She's married for Salazars sake! Her husband will be there!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that..." Eddie said quickly snatching the daily prophet that a fourth year boy had left on the table. He pushes the article in front of you. On the front page was a furious looking man, with the title 'Lucius Malfoy sentenced to time in azakaban over the alleged involvement with the dark lord's activities.'

Eddie smirked triumphantly. "I don't think he'll be home for Christmas."

"Okay but she's still married" you pointed out pushing the paper back to him.

"Unhappily married with her husband in Azkaban"

"That's still married mate. I'm not going to go after a married woman are you insane Eddie?" You asked the boy.

"Oh whatever you're still going, you're still going to look incredible and I bet you five galleons that by your third day there she's trying to sever her marriage with him."

"You're delusional Eds, I'm not going"

"Fine twenty galleons!"

"You don't have that sort of money lying around." I point out.

"I don't need to because I'm not going to be paying. I'm sorry but did you not see the 'bang me' eyes she shot at you the other day before practice."

"Now you're just making up stuff Eds. But I'll take your deal, twenty galleons will get me a nice winter coat and scarf."

Eddie looked very pleased with himself.

"I'll owl her right now" you stood and grabbed your book bag before turning on your heels giving Eddie a devious grin and walking to the owlery.

As you came inside you grabbed your nicest quill, ink and parchment and got to work scribbling Narcissa a note.

Dear Narcissa,

I have thought about your offer  to stay with you over the Christmas break. If the offer still stands I would very much like to do that, If it doesn't I completely understand though.

Y/n y/l/n

You tied the note to the leg  of your tawny owl Millicent and sent him on his way.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now