Chapter 5

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(Yes I am aware that the image above is not Malfoy manor but I prefer the house in the haunting of Bly manor, so that is what I chose)

Saturday, December 19th 1992.

The week had passed quickly, Narcissa's gift had arrived later that evening and now was the day you'd be travelling to Malfoy manor.
You grabbed your suitcase, shrinking it to the size of a matchbox and putting it in your pocket. You didn't dare shrink the cloak though, that would have to be carried separately, wrapped carefully as to not crinkle the material and placed in your rucksack.

You made your way to the common room and saw that Draco was waiting for you.
You both left and made your way to the station. At first you made conversation with the boy but by the second half of the trip you'd both pulled  a book out and read in silence.

When the train pulled into the station you both made your way to the platform. You spotted Narcissa at the opposite end and pointed her out to Draco before walking over to her. Narcissa wore a low cut navy blue  long sleeved dress, her hair hung loosely over shoulders. She broke into a smile when she spotted you both and met you halfway. She gave Draco an embrace and then you, she smelt of an intoxicating perfume, gardenias and something else you couldn't place.
Once you both broke the embrace Narcissa offered Draco and yourself a hand. You took it relishing the feelings of your intertwined fingers and you began to spin. Landing on a gravel path that led to a magnificent sprawling mansion.

"How was your trip?" The witch asked you both.

Draco shrugged and you responded with a "fine thank you."

When you had made your way inside the impressive building Draco ran off to his bedroom presumably to unpack his things.

Narcissa turned to you "I'm very glad that you chose to stay with us over the break."

You smiled at the woman, "thank you for having me."

"Of course, now let me show you the room you'll be staying in" she guided you up a large stairway and down a long hall to an oak door.
"You'll stay in here and my room is just across the hall if you need anything. I'll leave you to settle in. Dinner will be at 7:30, just follow the stairway we just came up to the ground floor and down the hall you'll find the dining room"

You thanked the beautiful witch and opened the door. Inside was a massive room with a four poster bed against one wall and a fire place with two sitting chairs on the opposite wall. On the furthest wall stood a door presumably for the bathroom. The room was adorned with emerald greens and blacks, it was truly a magnificent room.


You made your way down the stairway and across the hall as Narcissa had explained and you found the dining room without hitch. Narcissa was already seated at the head of the table and Draco was not three steps in front of you into the room. You both sat on either side of Narcissa and the food appeared shortly after.

"So y/n what are you studying for your newts this year?" Narcissa asked you.

"I'm taking astronomy, potions, charms, herbology, Defence against the dark arts, arithmancy and transfiguration."

"Seven newts that's very impressive." The older witch replied.

"Thank you" you say with a smile.

The rest of the dinner was spent discussing the school year of both you and Draco. Once dinner was finished Draco excuses him to finish wrapping gifts he'd gotten for his friends.

"Shall I give you a tour of the manor?" Narcissa asked you.

You nodded, "that'd be great, this place is very big I think I'll most likely get lost."

The woman chuckled at that and rose from her place, you following suite. She held out her left arm and you linked yours through hers.

She showed you first the garden which you could get to through a door in the dining room that led outside. You then came back in and she showed you a few sitting rooms, an expanse of hallways with various offices and guest rooms. She finished the tour by showing you the library.

It was the largest library you'd ever seen, it was three stories high with shelves of books from the ceiling to the floor on every wall of every level. Every level had an assortment of sitting chairs and lounges with a fire place on the first and third level by the east and west walls respectively. The flooring was a deep mahogany timber.

"It's beautiful Narcissa." You breathed out in awe.

"Thank you. I spend a lot of time here whilst Draco's at school so I've tried to make it as homely as possible." She smiled at you and you turned to face her.

You felt  a yawn and you tried to stifle it but it came out regardless. "I'm sorry" you apologise quickly.

She chuckled, "don't be, you've had a long day what with the train ride, you must be tired. You should get some sleep dear."

"Yeah I am bit tired" you reply. "Would you be able to show me back to my room? I've tried to memorise the layout but all of these hallways seem to melt into each other."

"Of course, come on dear." She guided you back through the maze of hallways, you tried your best to remember your way but you'd become very aware of just how close you were to Narcissa in that moment and that seemed to cloud your mind. You felt like you could just melt into her right then and there.

You finally recognised the hallway that your room resided in. You both stopped in front of your door.

"Thank you for the tour Narcissa, the manor is absolutely beautiful."

"Of course dear, now go rest up I shall see you in the morning. Breakfast is served at eight. Good night." She had a soft smile on her features and it took all of your self restraint not to lean up and kiss her soft lips.

"Good night Narcissa." She let go of your arm and you opened your door, sending her one last smile before walking inside.

You, me, the stars and the sea (Narcissa x reader fic)Where stories live. Discover now