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For the record I had every intention to stay in bed with my tub of ice cream but no I had to go to school. At least that is what my twin sister made me do. So here we are me and Elena on each of my best friends Caroline side as we walk to school. I don't pay much attention besides bits and pieces.

Like- She makes the first move, I tried... I'm out of it. yada-yada.

The warning bell rings. "Got to ditch." I say to Care who nods.

I get to my history class and see my spot still open so I sit in it, grabbing the things I need out. I start to draw squiggly lines on my notebook right as the final bell rings. My attention is brought up when an unfamiliar voice talks.

"Good morning, Everyone." The teacher puts his books on his desk rubs his hands together looking at the board. "Alrighty." He starts to write A-L-A-R-I-C S-A-L-T-Z-M-A-N on the board. The guy points at the words, "Alaric Saltzman. It's a mouthful. I know. Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is German origins. My family immigrated here in 1755 from Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston.

Now the name, Alaric, belongs to a very dead great-grandfather I will never be able to thank enough." I sneaker quietly at that remark. "You'll probably want t0 pronounce it 'Ala-Ric,' but it's 'A-lar-Ric,' okay? So you can call me Ric." He takes a breath, "I'm your new history teacher."

There is something about this Ric guy that seems nervous. I'm going to call it first day jitters. History class will definitely be more interesting now though.

"And then I ended up at the remains of Old Fell's Church before I woke up back in the woods." Bonnie explains her dreams.

"And you always see your ancestor Emily?" Elena asks.

"No, there's Bob." I say sarcastically.

"Natasha." Bonnie and Elena exclaim at me. I surrender my hands and mumble a sorry. But nonetheless Bonnie nods.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

I go first. "100%. I mean what else explains K2's, the EVP's or even rem-pods? Don't answer that."

Elena shrugs the slightest. "2 weeks ago, I'd say no, but now--"

"I think I'm being haunted." Bonnie cuts her off.

"I don't get it though. Why Emily?" I ask her.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the civil war days and that this medallion was hers, a witch's talisman."

Elena asks pointing at the talisman, "And it all started when you got that necklace?"

"I think she is using it to communicate with me."

I nod slowly. :Okay, what does Grams say about it?"

Bonnies head shakes once with a sigh. "I can't call her. She's gonna tell me embrace it. I don't want to embrace it. I want to make it stop." She sounds defeated.

I grab her hand and feel the old timey vibe but the feeling of Bonnie mixed as well. My eyes are pulled back into focus as I pull my hand away. The girls look at me while I put on a small smile. "Maybe just tell her to stop?"

Me and Elena were walking out of the school as I zoned out but a tug on my sleeve zipped me into reality. Elena was dragging me over to.... Stefan. Great. Let's hope that he didn't kill his brother, not that I care.


They exchange HI's while I stay silent staring one of the many cars, still listening of course.

"You weren't in class. I was worried." Elena went first.

"Yeah, I got you're messages and sorry I didn't get back to you, but what I wanna say shouldn't be said over the phone."

Hours of the Night // Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now