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"Please don't leave me." I beg.

"I already told you, Vi, I won't." Cedric replies, starting to sound tired. Fair enough, considering my whining was getting persistent.

I stare at the red, gold and black train, as still as though it was asleep. It's magnificent. I only ever got to see it in pictures, and actually seeing it with my own eyes leaves me in awe.

Cedric leans against a wall, constantly checking his watch. I sit on my suitcase next to him. "Sorry I made us come so early."

"Oh, don't be sorry," He chuckles, "You didn't want to be late."

"Yeah but thirty minutes early is a little excessive. Maybe we should've tried for on time."

The boy shrugs. "On time is late."

"Is Hogwarts really as great as you say it is?" I ask, out of the blue.

"Would I lie to you?"

I shoot him a look. "Yes."

"Okay, well, not about Hogwarts. You still remember everything I told you, right?"

"Don't give away the dormitory password, don't piss off Professor Snape, don't scream when I see Harry Potter, don't interact with Malfoy, Riddle or Parkinson and don't play Quidd- Hold on, I can't play Quidditch?"

"Hey, you said it, not me." Cedric replies, raising his hands in defense.

"These are your rules!" I protest.

Cedric laughs. "No they're not. You clearly made them up yourself."

"Fine, if I did, then I don't mind breaking them either. I'll just go ahead and snog Mattheo Riddle, then."

Cedric's eyes widen as I say that. "Vi-"

"Mhm, yeah. Maybe I'll shag him too, if I feel like it." I retort.

"Vienna." Cedric says calmly.

"No, Cedric. You can't stop me, considering these are my rules." I think for a moment. "I take back what I said about snogging and shagging him. Depends on his looks. I mean, is he cute? Hot? It all depends, y'know."

"That shallow, are we?" A new voice appears behind me.

Cedric smirks as I grimace, then slowly turn around. Standing behind me is a guy with dark, curly hair. He's fairly tall, roughly 5'9. He's leaning against the brick wall, one hand in his pocket, one hand holding a blazer swung over his shoulder.

His white button-up has two buttons undone, showing a little bit of his bare chest. A green tie hangs low, not tied very well.

"Hi." I say shortly, giving a small smile, "You must be the famous Mattheo Riddle."

"I'm thankful you know who I am, considering you want to make out with me and fuck me." He replies, grinning.

"I promise there's contex-"

Cedric grabs my arm. "We're going." Using his free hand, he lifts my suitcase onto the trolley and wheels it away, dragging me along.

Once we're at least twenty feet away from him, Cedric comes to a halt. "What did I tell you?"

"Why can't I play Quidditch?" I shoot back.

"It's a dangerous sport, Vi."


"Hey, you agreed to these rules."

"Yeah, when I was seven."

"Trust me. You don't want to play."

I glare at him, but don't say anything back. Scaring the life out of me, a loud whistle fills the station, announcing that the train's leaving in ten minutes. Cedric hands me my smaller suitcase. "Here. Get on the train first, I'll meet you after I put our bags away."

"Wait, where do I-"

He walks off with the trolley before I can finish my sentence. Rolling my eyes, I carry my suitcase onto the train. The train's already bustling with eager students. A long, narrow corridor stands before me, so narrow it's single file. Students pop their heads through the windows of each train compartment, calling out to their friends.

"'Scuse me." Someone shoulders past me, slamming me into a wall.

"Watch it!" I hiss at the boy.

He spins around on his heel. I already know who it is. Stalking closer to me, he stops inches away from my face. "What did you just say?" Dirty platinum blonde hair rests on his head, thin strands straying from his otherwise overly gelled hair.

I bite my lip. "Nothing." Glancing behind him, I'm in dismay to see a sea of heads staring right at us.

"Really? Because it didn't sound that way." He spits.

"I believe she said 'watch it', Malfoy."

A new presence is behind me. Turning around, I fold my arms. "You again, huh."

Riddle laughs. "Hey, you're the one that said you wanted to fuck me."

God, he won't let that go.

Malfoy snickers from behind me. "She what?"

"Every girl wants to shag him, why're you surprised?" A new voice pipes up.

"Including you, Parkinson." Malfoy snaps.

"Hi, sorry, coming through!" A tall girl squeezes past Riddle and grabs my arm. "You're coming with me."

She drags me past Malfoy, and I practically have no choice but to follow her. "Hey- wait! This is borderline kidnapping!"

Leading me into a compartment, the mystery girl closes the door behind her. I fall back onto the cushioned seat, finding myself across from a cute guy. "You're Vienna, right?" He asks. Without waiting for a reply, he continues, "I'm Kalen, and this is my sister, Haisley."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now