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A few months later, things couldn't have been better. Mattheo and I's secret relationship was going just fine; we'd managed to get away with a lot of things together. And by the time winter break had come around, I was actually looking forward to getting home. I didn't want to leave all the new friends I made, of course, but I missed my parents and my own bed.

Boarding the train, I find Haisley and Kalen in a compartment already. I join them. "Hey guys!"

"Hey, Vi. Excited to get back home?" Kalen asks.

"Yeah, I really am. I'll miss you guys though."

Haisley laughs, punching me on the arm. "It's only a couple of weeks."

Kalen wiggles his eyebrows. "What about... Riddle?" He whispers the last part.

I roll my eyes. "What about him?"

"You guys won't have contact for the whole break. Will you be okay?"

I laugh. "I'm not that clingy. He's the one you should be worried about."

"Are you implying that I'm clingy?" Mattheo's voice floods through the small compartment.

I notice Haisley warily looking Mattheo up and down. "Well, you're here right now, aren't you?" She says dryly. I noticed that even though Haisley is over me, as she and Hermione clearly have a thing going on, she still doesn't like Mattheo.

Mattheo shoots Haisley a look. "Oh shut up, Argent."

Kalen, on the other hand, is fairly close with Malfoy and Mattheo, and doesn't seem to mind him. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if I could sit here. Parkinson and Malfoy are being all lovey dovey."

"Actually, n-" Haisley starts.

"Sure." I say, glaring at Haisley. She rolls her eyes in response.

Mattheo shuts the door then sits. Just as he sits, Cedric's head pops in. "And why is Riddle here?"

Riddle snorts. "I'm their friend, Diggory."

Cedric stares at me, an accusatory look plastered on his face. I'm planning on telling Cedric today at some point, but not now. I open my mouth to explain, but someone outside yells. "Diggory, you're holding up the line!"

"We'll talk later." He says quickly, turning and leaving.

"You gonna tell him today?" Haisley asks.

"Yeah, probably. He'd kill me. It was bad enough when he thought we were just having sex, but if he finds out I actually like Mattheo?" I sigh.

Mattheo feigns shock. "You like me? Holy shit. Sorry, but I don't-"

"Shut up." I kick him playfully.

"Y'know, Vi, he might actually like it better if he finds out you guys are actually dating rather than just hooking up." Kalen points out.

"He's not wrong. Wow, Kalen actually said something smart for once!" Haisley exclaims.

Kalen shoots her a death look then turns back to me. "Well?"

"I'll have to tell him eventually, might as well be today. Mattheo-"

"I'll be fine, I can take him." Mattheo cuts me off.

I frown. "I was gonna ask if you're okay with him knowing."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Great." The thought of having to tell Cedric plagues me for the entire ride.

As the train comes to a halt at Kings Cross, I take a deep breath. The four of us stand up, and Mattheo exits the cabin first. Turning, he holds out his hand. I take it, and he holds onto it as we exit the train.

On the platform is Cedric. He's talking to a friend, and he catches my eye. His gaze slides down to me and Mattheo's hands. His expression is unreadable. Mattheo squeezes my hand lightly, then lets go. Staring down at me, he gives a mischievous smile. "I wish I could fuck you right now."

I trace his arm with my fingers, then raise my lips to his ear. "Just wait 'till we get back, Mattheo, I'll fuck you all night long."

The boy laughs, tilting my chin up. "I think you've got it wrong, I'm not a bottom." He leans forward, his lips brushing mine. "'Till next time." He grins, pulling away. Grabbing his bags, he saunters off.

I watch as the beautiful boy walks away from me. Turning, I hug Haisley. "Bye, Haisley! I'll keep in touch."

Haisley hugs me back. "Of course." Kalen comes up from behind me and wraps me in a hug.

"See you soon, Vi!"

The two siblings leave, and I'm left to walk over to Cedric. "Hey."

"Hi..." I say cautiously.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to stay away from him." Cedric sighs.

"I'm sorry. But I just want you to know, we're actually dating. We're not just having sex. We like each other, Ced."

Cedric smiles slightly. "I'm glad. I just don't want you to get hurt, Vi."

I hug him. "Thanks for looking out for me. I'll be careful, I swear."

He pulls back. "Just a question. When you say you're not having sex, you mean you're not having sex at all, right?"

I pull him back into a hug. "Can't wait to see mom and dad!"

"Vienna!" Cedric says, a warning edge in his voice.

That night I lie in the comforts of my bed, my mind racing. My first few months at Hogwarts were great. I was lucky to have made so many friends and a boyfriend. My heart sinks as I think about Mattheo.

No. I don't miss him. It's only been a few hours. I refuse to let myself believe I'm that attached. I manage to fall asleep, Mattheo still on my mind.


"Jeanine, darling, did this fall out of Cedric or Vienna's bag?"

Jeanine, their mother, turns to look what Markus is talking about. An off-white envelope rests in his hands. Jeanine takes it and turns it over. "It's addressed to Vienna. I'll run it up and leave it at her door."

Quietly making her way up the stairs, Jeanine slips the envelope under her door then disappears downstairs.

The next morning, it feels nice to wake up in my own room. Not that I don't miss Hogwarts, of course. As I exit my bathroom after freshening up, I notice an envelope on the ground. I pick it up, immediately recognising the scratchy handwriting.


I've managed to slip this letter into your bag, obviously. I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. For listening to me that one night in the Astronomy Tower, to putting up with me at all. We got off to a rocky start, but now that I can finally make you scream my name whenever I want, everything's fine ;)

Stay safe,
Mattheo Riddle

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now