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"Aidan. Montague." The boy across from me introduces himself. 

I shake his hand. "Nice to meet you! Vienna Diggory."

He looks faintly surprised. "Oh, Cedric's sister! You don't look anything alike."

"Ah, I'm adopted." I explain.

I was at the library, minding my own business. I'd decided to skip lunch because I didn't want to have to face my friends right now. I love them to death, but I'm unsure as to where they stand with the whole 'should I try be Mattheo Riddle's girlfriend again' thing. I'd said no, but I'm still suspicious that they'd try convince me.

Whilst in the library, studying, a silver-haired boy sat in the chair across from me. I didn't acknowledge him at first, thinking he was here to study. But after five minutes, he hadn't gotten any resources out so I finally looked up to see him staring at me. He apologised, explaining that he'd never seen someone so beautiful. Naturally, I got embarrassed.

He opens his mouth, then shuts it again, seemingly lost for words. Hastily, I change the topic. "Is that your natural hair colour?" The moment those words leave my mouth, I mentally scold myself. Obviously it's not.

As expected, he shakes his head. "Nope. It's blonde."

"Oh." Is all I manage.

"You're probably wondering why I came and randomly sat down with you."

I chuckle slightly. "I was, actually."

"This might sound silly, but I guess you could say I've got a crush on you. I've seen you everywhere around school, and I keep trying to talk to you but I get nervous. Then I saw you started dating Riddle." He pauses, "Are you still dating him?"

How do I put this? "Well... near the end of last term, yes, I was dating him."

His face softens. "What happened?"

"We broke up." I'm not explaining that a memory spell was put on me, heck, I hardly know anything about it myself.

"Oh..." He frowns, "Well, I was gonna ask you out, but seeing that you're still fresh from a breakup-"

"No!" I exclaim.

He tilts his head. "No?"

"I mean... we broke up during winter break. I've had lots of time to heal from it, so... go ahead." Aidan was cute, and I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by, especially if it meant my friends would leave me alone about Riddle.

Resting his hands on the table, he leans forward. "In that case, Vienna, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I never could've expected this. Yes, I would love to!" I accept bashfully.

He leans back in his chair. "Great! I'll meet you at the courtyard on Saturday at two o'clock, sounds good?"

I give an awkward thumbs up and he stands to leave. "Sounds good!"

He smiles slightly at my embarrassment, then exits the library. I wait a few minutes, then pack up my things and go to class.

I'm thankful to find Louis already in Transfiguration when I get there. I take my seat next to him, getting my books out. "Hey." I greet.

"Hey there. Where were you at lunch?"

"Studying." I reply, avoiding eye contact.

He peers at me. "Something happened."

"What?" I say, pretending to busy myself with getting my materials.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now