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tw: smoking

The rain outside is torrential, keeping me awake. I knew I should at least try to sleep considering tomorrow, being Monday, I have class, but the rain was so loud.

Climbing out of bed, I quietly exit the dorm, then the common room. I managed to sneak out without making any noise, thankfully. Still new at this school, I let my feet take me to one of the few places I know about.

The Astronomy Tower.

Upon reaching the top, I sit on a window ledge, staring out at the rain.

"Never understood why people hated the rain." A quiet voice speaks from behind me.

Turning my head, I'm surprised to see Riddle. He's on the ground, leaning against the stone wall, a white stick in his hands. "That'll kill you."

Riddle meets my gaze, his eyes hazy as if his body is here, but his mind isn't. "It's a metaphor, you see. You put the thing that does the killing right between your teeth, but you never give it the power to kill you."

My heart skips a beat. Why? I couldn't say. "You never struck me as a Fault in Our Stars fan."

He shrugs, lighting the cigarette. "I'm not."

Returning my attention to the rain, I lean my head against the wall, letting myself get lost in my thoughts. "Why do you hate me so much?" I ask suddenly.

"Hate you? I don't hate you."


"I just dislike you, a lot." He interrupts.

"There it is. Well? Are you gonna answer?"

He ponders for a bit, then stands up. Dropping his cigarette onto the ground, he crushes it with his heel. "Y'know, Diggory, I couldn't tell you."

I open my mouth, confused. He starts to leave, then turns to me. "I can tell you something though. Sometimes when people hate a person without any reason, they want to like them." He pauses, and a smirk appears on his perfect lips, "In my case, fuck." And with that, he leaves.

The next morning, I'm practically falling asleep at the breakfast table. Haisley keeps nudging me awake. "Vi! Keep your goddamn head up."

"Just a few seconds..." I mumble, resting my head on the table.

"Looks like someone's tired." A deep voice whispers into my ear. I shoot up almost immediately, "Is someone hurting from our little session last night?" Riddle says, loudly this time.

Cedric, who was about to leave, stares at me in disbelief, then glares at Riddle. "What was that, Riddle?"

The boy grins. "Nothing."

Cedric walks right up to him. They're just about the same height. "Say that again."

As if I'm not tired anymore, I'm about to stand up and drag Cedric away before Haisley grabs me and holds me back. "Kinda wanna see how this plays out."

Riddle tilts his head. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"You know what you said, Riddle." He seethes, "Say. It."

"Sorry, man. I'm clueless." He's so nonchalant, it makes me want to hit him in his smug face.

Cedric grabs Riddle by his collar. "SAY IT. I DARE YOU TO-"

"I FUCKED YOUR SISTER LAST NIGHT." Riddle yells in Cedric's face.

Cedric lets go of Riddle, stepping back. "You... what?" My older brother turns to me, a look of disappointment in his eyes.

Finally coming to her senses, Haisley lets go of me. I immediately go over to Cedric, panicking. "He's lying, Ced. I would- I would never!"

Cedric is clearly lost for words as he stares down at me. Clearing his throat, he sighs. "You're gonna be late for class."

"Diggory, Riddle!" Someone shouts. The three of us turn around to see Snape storming towards us. "How dare you cause such a commotion during breakfast. Detention after classes!"

I know better then to speak back to Snape, but I'm too tired to comprehend. "Which Diggory?" I say it with a little too much attitude.

"Both of you." Snape sneers, turning away with a swish of his cape.

I can practically feel the anger and disappointment radiating off Cedric. "Ced, you don't believe him, right?"

He doesn't say anything.

I scoff. "Over your own sister?"

"Just go to class. I'll talk to you later." His voice is rock-hard as he stalks away.

This was the final straw. Turning to Riddle, I look up, locking eyes with him. "I swear to God, Riddle, if you just ruined my relationship with my brother, I will never forgive you. Mess with me, fine. But involve my brother? Fuck you."

He smiles, and I realise what I said. Before he can say anything, I interrupt him. "And stop making jokes about us fucking!" I storm off, hearing Haisley rush after me.

"Dude, that was-" Haisley starts.

"Let's just go to class." I hiss.

After my last class of the day, which was Transfiguration, I stomp all the way to the Dungeons for detention. I'm thankful to see Cedric there already, I wanted to talk to him alone.

The moment I enter, Snape announces that we have to clean the classroom and he'll be back later. As Cedric walks over to the store of ingredients, I follow him and help him dust the shelves.

"You know what Riddle said isn't true, right?" I ask.

"You sure about that, Diggory?"

I whip around, suddenly pissed. "Go away, Riddle."

He shrugs, sitting down and putting his feet on the table. Turning back to my brother, I look at him pleadingly. "...Of course I don't." His voice is quiet, but he shoots me a small smile.

A huge pressure is suddenly lifted off. "Thanks, Ced."

"Always, Vi."

As we leave detention, Cedric gives me a quick hug then runs off to Quidditch practice. I take my time, trying to learn the path from potions to the Ravenclaw common room.

"Is someone lost?"

"Go away, Riddle. I'm not lost."

Riddle puts an arm around my shoulders. "You could always come back to my dorm with me. It's right there."

I shrug his arm off. "I'm alright."

"What's wrong with you now?"

"You keep making jokes about us sleeping together even though you have a girlfriend." I put it bluntly.

"Oh, is that bothering you? She's not even my girlfriend." He mutters.


"We just... meet up every once in a while."


He chuckles. "You asked."

"Why is she telling people you guys are dating then?"

He rolls his eyes. "I knew she'd get attached. No one can resist me." He leans close to my ear, his warm breath tickling it, "And I mean no one."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें