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I tiptoe past Malfoy's bed, not wanting to wake him, or my other roommates, up. It's raining tonight, so I'm on my way to the Astronomy Tower. It's an unspoken rule between Vienna and I. Raining? Astronomy Tower.

Once I arrive, my heart warms just at the sight of my girl sitting in her usual place on the window sill. She turns to me, smiling. "Hey." I walk over to her and kiss her gently. Whenever I kiss Vienna, it feels like the compass I have that navigates my conversations with her stops working.

"Hey. Room for one more?" I ask, motioning to her seat.

She shifts forward and I hop up onto the window sill, slightly spreading my legs so she can rest in between them. My chest becomes support for her head, and I find myself trying to match the pace of her breathing. The two of us look out the window, silently enjoying each other's company. The rain falls steadily, creating a calm, stable rhythm that could lull me to sleep. 

My eyes start to droop, until the dark-haired girl asks suddenly, "Do you believe in soulmates?" 

I ponder for a moment, my brain slowing down. "Only because I met you. But otherwise, not really."


"Depends how you define a soulmate."

"...someone who immediately feels familiar to you. Someone who just... gets you. Doesn't have to be romantic." Seems like she's hinting that Haisley is her platonic soulmate, but I don't say anything.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" I fire back.

"Nope." Pause. "Mattheo."

"Vienna." I reply, tracing her arm. I feel goosebumps on her arm arise as I do so, and a small smile rests on my lips.

"We're not going to be together forever."

"Uh... keen observation?" My hand drops to my lap.

"I just wanted to put that out there because I want you to know I'll never forget you." She points out.

I bite the inside of my cheek at her thought. She's right, of course. "Vienna, at the end of the day, one of us is going to get hurt. And I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure it's me."

She doesn't reply, and I've noticed her breathing's slowed. I crane my neck to try look at her face. Her eyes are shut, her long, thick eyelashes sweeping low. I place a soft kiss on her forehead, and hold her in my arms, never wanting to let go. I never wanted to fall for someone so hard. But after meeting Vienna, all my thoughts towards that changed.


"You were with Mattheo last night, weren't you?" Haisley asks as I try eat my cereal with a fork, and she watches me with amusement.

"How'd you guess?" I groan, rubbing my back. It aches from the way I slept. Understandable, since it was on cold stone and I was leaning against Mattheo. 

Louis purses his lips, watching me carefully. "Hey, Vi? Are you not worried he's gonna-" Louis practically jumps, his face contorting with pain. Haisley and I glance at each other, then look back at Louis. He's glaring at Kalen. "What was that for?!" Without waiting for a reply he turns back to me and continues, "Are you not worried he's gonna hurt you again?"

Kalen uses his elbow and digs Louis in the ribs. "Shut up, man! Take a hint."

Louis shifts away from Kalen. "I'm not okay with this sudden attitude you've adopted. It's not okay to abuse me!"

I shrug, ignoring their antics. "I am. It's always in the back of my mind. But when I'm with him, that thought completely disappears."

"How do you think Cedric's gonna react? Ooh, and your parents?" Haisley queries.

"Oh. I... hadn't though about that. Um..."

"When are you gonna tell them?" Louis asks when I don't say anything.

I put my spoon down, tugging on my tie as it threatens to strangle me. "I'll probably tell Cedric on our way back home. As for my parents... last day of Christmas break."

Kalen chuckles, high-fiving me. "Nice one."

I look behind me, casually checking out the Slytherin table. As usual, Malfoy and Parkinson were sitting next to each other, talking. But Mattheo, who's usually sitting opposite them getting mad at them for not talking to him, isn't there. I stand up and walk over to them, ignoring as my friend call out questions.

"Hey, Malfoy?" I don't bother asking Parkinson considering we're not on the best terms. And we never were.

She throws me a dirty look, and I just glare back at her. "What?" The blonde asks impatiently.

"Where's Mattheo?" I get straight to the point, not wanting to have to talk to Malfoy longer than necessary.

"Aww, miss your boyfriend?" He mocks.

I fold my arms. "At least I have one."

He rolls his eyes. "He was a little too tired from your rendezvous last night, and refused to get up for breakfast this morning."


Malfoy snorts, turning away from me. "You're so clingy. Chill, he's just missing one breakfast."

I scoff and leave, Parkinson's staring starting to bug me. I sit back down with my friends, finishing my cereal without saying anything. 

After staring at me in silence for a moment, Haisley finally asks. "What was that about?" 

"Just checking where Mattheo is."

"You're so in love." Kalen teases.

I reach over the table and punch him in the arm. "Shut up. We're not in love. We just... like each other very much."

"Haven't you guys like, already said 'I love you' to each other?" Haisley points out.

"Uh... sort of. Not really. It's a whole thing. Can't be bothered to get into it right now." I explain tiredly. I loved my friends, but their teasing and questions get annoying quickly.

"You'll tell me one day, right?"

"One day, Haisley. One day." I say dramatically, a grin on my face.

"What about me?" Louis asks.

"You're clearly irrelevant." Kalen snorts, "Notice how she said Haisley?"

"We should go to class." I interrupt before the two of them start another one of their childish arguments. I get up, Haisley following me, and we make our way to class.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now