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Vienna looks at me for a while, then bursts out laughing. "You're kidding, right?"

"He's so suspicious, Vienna! You should've heard the conversation I had when you were down at the pitch."

"Oh, Ceridwen. I know you're just looking out for me but there's no way. Aidan's been here since first year. Also, I heard there's a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher so it could be them." Before I can say anything, she continues. "I have that class tomorrow, so I'll let you know. See you around!" 

She gets up and leaves, running down to Aidan. He puts an arm around her shoulder and they walk off together. Before they exit the stadium, Aidan looks behind and stares at me, then continues forward.



I leave Ceridwen and Aidan behind, running down to the pitch in hopes of patching things up with my former best friend. "Haisley!" I call once I'm a few feet away.

Glancing up from her broom, she rolls her eyes and puts it on the ground. "Can I help you?"

"I'm so sorry. I realise what I did was completely wrong, and I never should've ditched your first match for a date. I-"

"Diggory, stop." She interjects, "I'm not mad that you ditched me. I'm mad that you lied to me about it. You could've just explained nicely, 'hey, I've got a date the same day your match is with this guy I really like. Would you mind if I went on the date instead?' I would've said yes!" 

I avoid eye contact. "I... I'm sorry. Listen, I promise I'll make it up to you, okay? I'll... I'll go to your next team practise!" 

She folds her arms. "You think that'll make up for it?"

"And all your matches."

"All my matches?" She says, incredulous, "Merlin, Vi! Even when we were best friends you didn't make that kinda promise!"

"I just miss you a lot."

She smiles, then pulls me into a tight hug. "I missed you too."

"So we're good?"

"As long as you uphold your promise." She winks, "Oh, and introduce me to your friends up there." She says, jutting her chin towards where Ceridwen and Aidan are.

"The girl's not really my friend."

"Yeah, well, she's hot. Nice to see you made new friends so easily." She says the last statement with mild annoyance. "Anyways, my next practise is on Tuesday, before classes. See you then!" She calls, hopping on her broom and flying away.

Before classes?! Fuck. I rejoin Ceridwen and Aidan, the whole conversation running through my mind.


Aidan keeps his arm around me as we walk through school. I'm not really sure where we're going, but I assume he wants to hang out. We end up sitting in the courtyard, getting to know each other more. As the conversation slows down, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a chocolate frog. 

"Want it?"

"Oh, yes please! I love chocolate." 

My stomach growls, and my face flushes with embarrassment. Mattheo raises an eyebrow as he looks at me. The two of us are in the library, on a study date. Sort of. He's trying to tutor me. We gave up. "Hungry?" He asks.

"No, my stomach growled because I'm so incredibly full." I retort.

He laughs, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a candy bar. "Here."

"Thanks!" I take the bar, examining it. "Oh, chocolate chips! I love chocolate." As I carefully open the bar to avoid making too much noise, I take a bite. It's delicious. As I chew, I remember something Mattheo told me a while ago. "Wait but... you don't like chocolate."

He shrugs, not looking up from his work. "So?"

My heart flutters. "Were you carrying this around for me?"

He finally meets my eyes. "Nah, they're for my other countless girlfriends."

I laugh dryly. "Very funny."

We return to silence, me eating my bar and him doing homework. "I didn't want you to be hungry." He says quietly.

I look up at him, a huge smile on my face. "Thank you, Mattheo."

"Hey, Vi?"

"Crap, sorry. I zoned out." I say, holding my head. Was that another memory? 

"It's all good. I was just asking how the frog is."

"Oh, it's delicious, thank you."

"Of course."

We sit in silence. I'm not sure what to say, so instead of making conversation I keep eating my frog. It really is good. I even offer Aidan a little bit, though he declines. I'm secretly grateful because I was just being nice. I finish off the frog and swing my legs and watch as students walk in the hallways. People watching's always been my favourite.

Aidan suddenly chuckles, and I turn. "What happened?"

"You've got chocolate on your mouth, here-" He leans forward and kisses me, leaving me shocked. I wasn't expecting it, but I slowly relax and lean into it. 


I look up from my book just in time to catch that Montague boy kissing Vienna. I feel the rage bubble up inside me as Vienna relaxes and gets into it. My feet itch to storm over there and punch the shit out of Montague, but Vienna would be terrified of me and I'd get into huge trouble. So instead, I bury my nose back in my book.

I haven't read a full book since my first year at Hogwarts, and I was determined to make this one be the first one in a while. But I can't focus on it. The words fly around the page, giving me a persistent headache. I look up again to see Montague with his arm around Vienna. They're laughing together, and Vienna's face is bright red. I used to do that to her. 

Stop it, Mattheo, I tell myself. If she's happy, I'd let her go. No use trying to fix something that's broken. I slam my book shut, alerting a couple of third years. I get up, gripping the book, and walk over to the closest one. She looks up at me with big doe eyes. "H-Hi..."

"Here." I hold the book out to her, waiting for her to take it. Gingerly, she accepts it and I stalk off, leaving the girl with her brand new Song of Achilles

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now