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"Hey~" I drag out the 'y', "Where are you taking me, pretty boy?"

He doesn't say anything. I stumble over my feet, falling to the ground. "Fuck!" I yelp.

Riddle bends down, lifting my chin so I'm looking up at him. "Be quiet. It's in the middle of the night, and we're in the halls of Hogwarts. People are trying to sleep."

I purse my lips. "Oh, sorry. I'll try be quiet pretty boy."

He tsks. "Stop calling me that."

"Pretty boy!" I sing.

"Shut up." He growls. Yanking my arm, he pulls me up so I'm standing. Practically throwing me over his shoulders, like a fireman, he continues walking.

"Mattheo." I whisper, right into his ear.

"What." He grunts.

"I want you to fuck me." I giggle.

He replies without hesitating. "I knew you were into me." I can hear the smirk in his voice. "But I'll have to refuse."

I frown, though he can't see me. "Why?"

"Because when I finally fuck you, you're going to remember every single thing about it." He whispers back.

I black out.

The next morning, a Saturday, I wake up. My head pounds as I crack open my eyes, the weak daylight flooding through the window. My bed is so comfortable, all I want to do is sink into it and hide until this God awful headache disappears. The faint patter of rain, lulls me back into sleep.

Just as my eyes shut, someone speaks. "Oh, you're awake."

Groaning, I reopen my eyes. My vision swims for a bit, and I blink a few times before sitting up in bed. In place of who I thought was Haisley stands a devastatingly handsome boy. "Riddle?" I mutter, massaging my head.

"Morning." He replies. He's standing in the doorway, leaning against it.

As I finally gather my surroundings, I start to panic. "How did you get in?"

He approaches the bed, stopping at the end. The corners of his lips lift. "What do you mean? This is my dorm."

"...Your dorm?" Looking around properly, I realise it's definitely not my dorm. It's green, and the smell of cologne and aftershave lingers in the air. "Oh."


Riddle's eyes follow me as I clamber out of his bed, wearing only a gray sweater. "...This isn't my sweater."


"Who's is it?"

He shrugs. "Dunno."

Flustered, I look around the room. "Where's my skirt? And tie? And robes? And socks? Where are my shoes? Where's anything?!"

Riddle laughs, walking over to a couch I didn't notice earlier. "Here." He hands me my robes, skirt, socks and tie. "I put your shirt in the wash."


"You threw up on it."

I groan, pulling my skirt on. "Of course I did... Wait, did you change me?"


"You- I..."

He laughs at my panic. "Calm down, Diggory. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

His statement reminds me of what a horrid person he is. After putting my uniform on, I fiddle with the sweater. "I'll give it back as soon as I can."

"Oh, that's fine. Take as long as you need."

"Are you sure you should just be offering your roommate's sweater away?" I question, already at the door.

"It's mine."

"But- you said-"

"I know what I said." He cuts in. "Get outta here before someone comes in."

I hesitate. Do I say thank you? "Thanks." I say shortly.

Without looking up from a book he grabbed at some point, he replies. "Mhm."

I open the door, and with one foot out, he calls me. "Diggory."


He stands up then walks over to me. Standing incredibly close, he looks deeply into my eyes, as if he's about to kiss me. Out of nowhere, he holds up a book. The one he was reading just now. "You dropped this last night."

It's The Song of Achilles. The one Louis let me borrow. "Oh... thanks."

"Who annotated the margins?"


"You Ravenclaws have nothing better to do than annotate books for fun, huh?"

I scoff, turning to leave. "Shut up."


I don't turn. "What is it this time?"

"Happy birthday."

I stumble through the hallways, my head spinning. Merlin, it's a major hangover. Finally at the common room, I mutter out the reply to the riddle and enter.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Screams erupt the moment I enter the common room. Two people are standing there, Louis and Haisley.

I smile weakly, my head pounding. "Thanks so much, guys."

Louis' smile fades almost immediately. "What did he do?"

Haisley's eyes widen at his question. "What? Who? What did who do?"

Both of them stare at me intently. "He didn't do anything. I have a massive hangover."

Haisley glances at Louis, and mouths, 'Riddle?'. I roll my eyes, already lying down on the plush couch. "I saw that."

Haisley's face appears right in front of mine. "Well? Am I wrong?"

I close my eyes. "Nope."

"Is she alright?" A voice interrupts my peace.

"She's fine, Erin." Haisley replies to the newcomer.

"She looks like she's dying."

Opening my eyes and sitting up, I see a blonde girl standing at the entrance to one of the girls dormitories. "Thank you." I say sarcastically.

Erin shrugs, as if saying 'no problem'. "You're hungover, aren't you?"

"Mhm." I give a half-hearted reply, my eyes starting to droop.

"You're not supposed to have alcohol. You're only 16."

"17." Louis corrects snippily.

Erin sniffs. "Still illegal. I'll have to report you to a professor."

Gaping, I stare at her. "You can't be serious."

"I can, actually. What's your name?"

I snort. "As if I'd tell you."

"Erin, bugger off." Haisley hisses, "It's her birthday."

Erin narrows her eyes, then throws a fake smile. "Happy birthday, darling. I'll let you off this one time." Leaving the common room, I sigh with relief.

"Who was that?"

"Erin Davidson. My ex." Louis grovels.

Haisley stares at him. "Really? I didn't know that. I used to have a crush on her."

Louis stares back at her. "While I dated her?"


I laugh to myself as my friends bicker back and forth. But it doesn't take my mind off the fact that I'm cradled by Riddle's sweater.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now