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"Dad, I'm going to Diagon Alley with some friends I made at Hogwarts." I call, standing at my front door. With one week left of holidays, my friends and I had decided to meet at Diagon Alley to get a head start on buying new school supplies.

My dad's head pops out from around the corner. "Okay, Vi. Stay safe. Is Cedric going?"

I glance around. "He's not here, so I guess-"

Cedric suddenly appears in the living room, as if he was summoned. "Actually, I am going. I've just decided to invite myself."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, let's go." Cedric leaves, and I'm about to before I say one more thing, "Oh, and, please tell mum she doesn't need to clean my room."

My dad grunts in reply; I'm not sure if he heard me, but I leave anyways.


Once the front door slams shut, Markus yells. "Jeanine, dear, there's no need to clean Vienna's room!"

"Oh, it's fine. I'm already here, I might as well clean it!"

Markus sighs. "I knew she wouldn't listen."

Up in Vienna's room, Jeanine is using a feather duster to clean her daughter's shelves. Ever since Jeanine saw an ad on Muggle TV for all kinds of cleaning products, she bought them and now is obsessed with cleaning. Dusting Vienna's bedside table, Jeanine notices a worn piece of paper. "This must be the letter she got." Jeanine mumbles to herself.

She picks it up to dust the spot beneath it, and as she puts it down, she notices who it's from. Riddle. As in, the Dark Lord, Riddle? Holding the letter with shaky hands, Jeanine thinks about calling for her husband. But of course, she could be overreacting. There's probably plenty of Mattheo Riddles at Hogwarts. But something tugged at Jeanine's gut. Something that told her this Mattheo Riddle was the specific Mattheo Riddle she was thinking of.

Jeanine reads the letter in full, gasping as she reads the last part. "...My daughter and Mattheo Riddle..." Now, of course, Jeanine loved her daughter. But there were just some things she couldn't accept. She had a plan, but it meant leaving Markus out of it as he may not agree. She would do it the night before Vienna left for Hogwarts. Every time Jeanine felt guilty for just thinking of this plan, she would remind herself it's for her daughter's own safety. And sometimes, you have to risk their happiness in exchange for their safety.


"You should!" Haisley exclaims.

"Nah, Cedric wouldn't be too happy. He's already pissed I'm dating Mattheo, and if I start playing Quidditch? Hoo boy." I snort.

Louis, Kalen and Cedric had gone off somewhere, leaving Vienna and Haisley to talk. "Think about it. When Ravenclaw and Slytherin play against each other, you could play against Riddle! Maybe teach him a thing or two because he says Slytherin would destroy Ravenclaw."

"I'm not even good at flying a broom, Haisley. I'm not the best person to ask."

"Fine. But promise you'll come to my matches."

"Of course I will." I proclaim dramatically.

"Good! There's one on the first Saturday of the year." She smirks, "Slytherin versus Ravenclaw."

I raise an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Mhm. And get this, it'll really be a battle between me and Riddle since we're both Seekers."

"Oh, fun!" I say, lacking enthusiasm.

Haisley nudges me. "You'll cheer for me, right? Considering I'm your best friend and Ravenclaw is your house."

"Yes, I will, don't worry."

She stays silent, obviously content. It doesn't last long. "You're planning to cheer for both of us, aren't you?"

I grin. I've only known Haisley for a few months and she already knows me so well. "Indeed I am."

The holiday came and went in a flash. By the time I was starting to miss Hogwarts, it was already the last night of the holidays. After saying goodnight to both my parents and Cedric, I'm already in bed, fast asleep.


Jeanine kisses her husband goodnight then hurries up the stairs. Quietly, she opens her daughter's bedroom door, thankful she's already asleep. Gently closing the door behind her, Jeanine gets her wand out and stands over her daughter. She kisses Vienna on the forehead then steps back. "I'm so sorry, darling, but it's for your own good." Whispering, she points her wand at her daughter, "Obliviate."


"Vi, wake up! We're gonna miss the train!" Cedric yells from downstairs. Bolting upright immediately, I practically jump out of bed. I run around my room, gathering the remaining things I hadn't packed yet. Lugging my two suitcases downstairs, I leave them at the front door, then go to hug my parents. "Bye, dad. I'll miss you!"

I then hug my mother. As I hug her, she whispers into my ear. "I'm sorry." I pull away, a questioning look on my face.

"What for?"

She smiles sweetly. "Nothing, dear. Get going!" Cedric says goodbye as well, and we set off to King's Cross, using a taxi.

"Are you excited to see everyone?" Cedric asks.

"Of course! I miss them a lot."

Cedric grins, nudging me. "I bet I know who you're looking forward to seeing the most."

I glance at him. "Who?"

The taxi comes to a halt before he can reply, and Cedric gets out the strange Muggle money to pay. He helps me with my bags then dumps them on a trolley, and wheels it into the station. "Alright then, dear sister, see you on the other side." He winks at me, then runs into the wall. I follow him, after making sure there's no Muggles around.

Although I'd already been here before, platform 9¾ is still a sight to behold. With no time to spare, unlike first time we were here, we immediately board the train. "Alright then, go look for your friends. I'll catch you later at Hogwarts." Cedric disappears into a cabin, then pops his head out through the window, catching me off guard. "Oh, and, don't you dare get too frisky with Riddle, alright?" But there's a kind smile on his face, telling me he's joking. Although his eyes don't say that.

He disappears back into the cabin, leaving me to wonder why the hell he's telling me not to get touchy with the Dark Lord's son.

author's note
thank you all so much for 200 reads!! love you all <3

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now