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I'm sitting in the Great Hall with Kalen, Louis, Haisley, Cedric, Hermione, Ron and Harry, having lunch to celebrate my birthday.

My hangover had pretty much disappeared, and left me hungry. Just as I was about to dig into a plate of pasta, I notice Ron eyeing me strangely. I clear my throat. "Ron? You good?"

He snaps back to attention. "Yeah, sorry. It's just... your tie. It's green."

Looking down at my tie, my face turns red. Hermione tilts her head. "Aren't you in Ravenclaw?"

Louis chokes on his drink while Haisley smirks. Cedric frowns. "Vi? Who's tie is that?"

Harry's eyes roam the room, stopping at the Ravenclaw table. "I think it belongs to the Slytherin with a Ravenclaw tie."

Everyone shifts their gaze to Riddle, sitting at the Ravenclaw table, an arm around Erin. His tie is blue.

"Fuck." I mutter.

Cedric takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, what?"

Louis stabs his potatoes with his fork. "Is that his arm around Erin? Are they fucking dating?"

Kalen nudges him. "Are you jealous?"

"She's too good for him!" Louis protests.

As Riddle leans in to kiss Erin, it confirms our suspicions. They're dating. I easily hide my disappointment by turning back to my friends, a devilish grin plastered on my face. "Watch this." Pulling my tie off, I strut over the Ravenclaw table.

Parkinson and Malfoy are there too, and they do not look happy about sitting with the Ravenclaws. "Ahem." I clear my throat, and Erin and Riddle turn around.

"Oh, if it isn't the birthday girl!" Erin exclaims, "Where's your tie?"

I smile, then point at Riddle's. "It's right there, actually. Around his neck, just like my hands were last night."

I hear Haisley catcall. I must've been speaking pretty loudly; I didn't realise they could hear me. The blood drains from Erin's face, and she turns to her boyfriend. "What's she talking about?"

Riddle's jaw stiffens. "I don't know."

I hand him his tie, then untie my tie from around his neck. I make sure to let my fingertips brush the nape of his neck and I take my tie. "Thanks, lover boy." I grin, waltzing back to the Gryffindor table.

Sitting back down, it takes everything in my willpower to not melt. "That was fucking ballsy!" Kalen exclaims.

I turn around, laughing when I see Erin practically yelling at Riddle. The poor guy looks so tired and pissed. He meets my eyes. They're full of anger, telling me it's game on.

Haisley, Kalen, Louis and I are sitting in the courtyard, hanging around. Kalen and Louis are doing homework, while Haisley is braiding my hair. Out of nowhere, Louis snickers. "Still can't believe you did that. You did tell Diggory it was a joke, right?"

"Of course. I told him I have Riddle's tie because you guys played a prank on me and switched our ties." I pause. "He wasn't convinced, but he let it go anyways."

"Now that you've messed with Riddle, you're screwed." Kalen pipes up.

I wince as Haisley tugs on my hair. "Nothing I can't handle." As she finishes the braid, I tousle her hair. "Thank you!" Standing up, I sigh. "Gotta go."

Louis shoots me a confused gaze. "After what I did, Erin ended up telling McGonagall I drank. Riddle told her my name. Now I have detention."

His eyes full with pity. "Sorry, my fault."

"Not your fault. I said yes." Turning around, I almost walk into a chest. Looking up, my heart skips a beat as I realise it's Riddle. "Riddle."


"Can I help you?"

He gives a small smile, then reaches down to my skirt. He tugs it down so that it's a couple centimetres shorter. "Your skirt was too short. Don't want guys stealing my fuck buddy, now do I?"

"What- you..." I can't form full sentences.

He sends a wink. "See you tonight, love." Stalking away, he walks back to Erin and puts an arm around her. The couple leave the courtyard without turning around.

I sit back down, speechless. "What just happened?" The others don't answer me; they're just as shocked.

Detention lasts two hours, with me sitting in McGonagall's classroom, doing homework. It was insanely boring, but at least it's over now. Keeping my head low, I walk back to my dorm, wanting to stay out of trouble. Of course it doesn't work.

"Vivi!" A high-pitched squeal rings out just as I reach the Ravenclaw common room.

Turning, I grimace. It's Erin. "What'd you just call me?"

"Vivi. It's a nickname." She looks at me like I'm stupid.

"I can tell. It's a stupid one." I say bluntly.

Erin's expression doesn't shift. It stays a mask of kindness. "Well I like it, so that's what I'll call you. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about Mattheo."

"Okay, what about him?"

"Stay away from him. He's bad news."

"Ah, yes. Says the girl who's dating him." I retort.

She laughs. It's stupid and prissy. "He has a soft spot for me."

I internally cringe. "Right." I enter the common room, Erin trailing after me.

"I'm serious. He's like, so mean to other people, but not to me because he cares about me." The girl points out.

"Whatever." I say, tiredly. I slam my dorm room door shut in her face, thankful that Haisley's in there. "What're you doing here?"

Haisley looks up from her book. "Why can't I be here?"

I shrug, setting my stuff down. "It's 5 in the afternoon. I thought you'd be in the library or something."

Returning her gaze to her book, she fiddles with the page. "Nah."

I slump over on my bed. "What's wrong?"

"Kalen and I got into an argument."

I look up. "Oh... what happened?"

"He wants to go to some stupid Slytherin party tonight." She mumbles.


"He's made friends with some of them."

"You're worried about him, huh."

"The party's at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, of course I'm worried." Haisley replies, slamming her book shut.

I didn't really feel like it, but I knew I had to be a good friend, and at least offer. "We can go tonight, if you want. Keep an eye out on him."

Haisley looks up, a tired smile plastered on her face. "It's fine. Thanks for offering, though." Climbing under her covers, she lets out a yawn. "I'm skipping dinner tonight." She mumbles.

"Alright, Haisley. Sleep well."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now