Clingy Kid

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Jets pov

"woo!" I cheered as I flew around on my extreme gear. Man this is the life! No rules, no responsibility. Just me, my hoverbourd and the wind in my feathers-

My thoughts were cut off by a small woodpecker jumping into my arms. I was so surprised I nearly dropped the kid!

"hi I'm bean! I'm four years old and whoe cool hoverbourd dude!" he said in a fast paced tone.

"Umm thanks. Where are you parents little guy?" I asked, really wanting to get rid of the kid!

"don't got one of those. Hey will you be my new mom?" he looked up at me with those big eyes of his.

"mom!?" I yelled "ok first off I'm a boy so I can't be your mom-"

"ok then you can be my dad!" he jumped in my arms excitedly.

I felt so overwhelmed. One minute I was riding around enjoying life and the next minute I'm being forced into a lifelong decision by a toddler!

"uhh is there somewhere I can put you?" I looked around helplessly. How the heck did he even get up here in the first place!

"you could but I might get lost and die. Do you really want that on your record?"

"I guess not" I sighed. This kids got my hands tied! "alright I guess your coming home with me!"

you're not so bad kid! (father jet Au) Where stories live. Discover now