Single Parents Night

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Jets pov

"I don't know why I agreed to this" I said as I walked down the streets with bean in my arms.

Sonic insisted that we go to a single parents night. At first I thought it was a good idea since it would give bean a chance to meet kids his own age but now that we're going I feel anxious. I don't want to meet new people.

I don't want to be judged.

"Well because it's a good opportunity for bean to make new friends and because I don't want Amy to beat me up" he muttered the last part to himself.

"so you're doing this for your sake" I glared at him.

"no no I doing it for your sake too" he said quickly though I wasn't convinced "oh look here we are!" he grabbed my arm and dragged me inside.

To my surprise I knew everyone there. Knuckles, Amy, blaze, rouge and shadow. Though this didn't make me feel any better. Last time I checked we didn't get along well.

"hi" I waved nervously.

Knuckles didn't look impressed "seriously we're letting this guy in" knuckles growled "I swear if that storm guy shows up too I'm punching a hole in the wall!"

"you won't have to worry about that" I muttered bitterly.

Amy pulled out her hammer and hit knuckles over the head.

"hey what the hell was that for!" he yelled.

"for being insensitive you jerk!" she yelled.

"what do you mean?" he looked at her in confusion "what did I do?"

"the fact that you don't know is the problem knucklehead" sonic sighed as he took a seat next to him. I took a deep breath and sat down too.

"so now that we got a new member I think we should introduce our kids" Amy said brightly "I'll go first. This is my baby girl cream. I've been taking care of her ever since her mother died"

"hi" cream waved happily.

"this is my kid silver" knuckles muttered as he pointed to a silver hedgehog "he just appeared on my island one day and I figured he was my responsibility"

"this is marine" blaze pointed to the raccoon in her arms "Like knuckles kid mine just appeared in a barrel one day. She's the most random thing that's ever happened to me"

"mom can we get cookies now?" marine asked.

"later dear" she said softly.

"this is Maria" shadow pointed to the blonde hedgehog in his arms "someone at gun cloned my DNA to create her. Ever since then I've been a father"

"hi new friends" she said brightly.

"and then there's my boy omega" rouge pointed to a literal freaking robot! "he's a little different but he's a good boy. I promise"

"ok jet why don't you introduce your little boy to everyone" Amy said encouragingly.

I nodded "this is bean" I looked down at him lovingly "he jumped into my arms one day and refused to let go"

"aww that's very sweet" blaze smiled at me.

"ok" Amy stood up suddenly "now that introductions are out of the way I say we take the kids to the park"

you're not so bad kid! (father jet Au) Where stories live. Discover now